
Autumn diet attention to what

Into the fall, the temperature becomes cool and pleasant. The temperature is reduced, the appetite of people gradually increased, digestion is also improved, it is to make up for the summer heat caused by poor nutrition season. At the same time this time is the harvest season, a variety of animal meat delicious, vegetables and fruits of the full range, the number of more, is the best season to arrange the diet. However, if arranged improperly, but also likely to cause excess nutrients or improper feeding and injury, then the fall of the diet should pay attention to what?

Pay attention to prevent excess heat. Most people in the fall, due to the pleasant climate, food rich, often eating too much. Intake of excess calories, will be converted into fat accumulation, people fat, the saying goes, "long autumn fat", so bad. In the autumn diet, pay attention to the right amount, and can not indulge their appetite, eat and drink. Chinese medicine called "easy to eat Ma to run its dry." How to do it? First should eat less irritating, spicy, hot food, such as pepper, pepper, etc., should eat some vegetables, fruits, such as melon, radish, zucchini, eggplant, green leafy vegetables, apples , Bananas and so on. In addition, to avoid a variety of hot and humid gas savings. So to promote eating some spicy smell of food, such as celery.

"Autumn will be warm" bogey cold. As the autumn weather from the hot cooler, the body in order to adapt to this change, physiological metabolism also changes, the diet is too cold, can cause indigestion, easy to produce a variety of gastrointestinal disorders. So the diet on the "autumn will be warm," the idea that the fall should avoid light to eat some cool and cold food, should eat some warm food.

In addition to daily life adjustment, but also for cold exercise, enhance the body to adapt to changing the ability of climate, and according to the characteristics of autumn, taking lungs phlegm, nourishing qi and Chinese medicine for health care, such as ginseng, American ginseng, lily and so on.
Fall attention to self-care

One to the fall, people have such a feeling, the skin becomes tight, and even from the skin desquamation, hair dry and dull, dandruff increased, dry lips or cracks, nasopharynx dry fire, dry stool. All these manifestations are caused by the fall climate change. Some diseases in the role of Qiuzao, but also easy to relapse or aggravated, such as bronchiectasis, tuberculosis and so on. Therefore, how to fall in the fall, self-care anti-autumn dry is very important.

First, the timely increase or decrease in clothes. After the beginning of autumn, the temperature difference between day and night, should not be barely exposed, but also should not wear too much, too warm.

Second, is to drink plenty of water, light tea, fruit juice drinks, soy milk, milk and other liquid to keep yin Runzao, make up for the loss of hairy, but drink liquid diet, especially beverages and water and other liquid drinks, Pay more attention to a small amount of frequency for the best drink.

Three, is to eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Qiuzhuang the most likely to hurt the body fluid. Most vegetables, fruit has Shengjin Runzao, heat catharsis effect. Vegetables, fruits, etc. contain a lot of water, can supplement the body's body fluid. In addition, you can eat more honey, lilies, lotus seeds and other goods to meet the lungs of the Qing of the sex.

Four, is to eat spicy fried hot food. Leeks, garlic, onions, ginger, star anise, fennel and other spicy food and spices, fried chicken, fried quail and other fried food, eat more will help dry Shangyin,

Five, is attached to the spirit of nursed back to health. Yin people, anger easy to wang, often angry, this is what people often say "hug fire". Anger booming, for a long time the consumption of Yin Jin. In the autumn, the dry elephant is more obvious. Therefore, the other ring to prevent autumn dry is to attach importance to the spirit of nursed back to health, and peace of mind to treat all things in order to adapt to the convergence of the fall of the sex, calmly spent this troubles.

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How to do long-term insomnia? Small coup easy to solve

How to do long-term insomnia?
First, the usual and natural state of mind
There is no need to worry about insomnia, the more nervous you, the more forced to sleep, the results will be counterproductive. Some people for more than a day of insomnia is more nervous, that the brain can not get rest, not short-lived, will be sick. In fact, such anxiety caused by excessive anxiety, sleep itself and its health more harmful. So we should maintain a natural state of mind, to ease insomnia is very helpful.

Second, seek and eliminate the cause of insomnia
There are many factors that cause insomnia, as mentioned before, as long as a little attention, is not difficult to find. Cause to eliminate, insomnia that is self-healing, due to disease caused by insomnia symptoms, should be timely treatment. Can not be considered: insomnia, but a small problem, not the disease and delay the treatment time.

Third, drink hot milk law
Drink half an hour before going to bed drink half a cup of hot milk, milk, high nutritional value, which contains a comprehensive nutrition on the heart and brain organs, comprehensive regulation of nerve, endocrine and immune system function is very helpful. A lot of white-collar workers why the insomnia to dawn, the role lies in the disorder of the sympathetic nervous system, before going to bed and milk can balance the body's metabolism in a variety of physiological disorders, enhance immunity, regulate the body's ability to respond to the outside world, And melancholy intrinsic cause, quickly solve the depression caused by insomnia, insomnia and more dreams. Thus enabling the body to sleep well.

Fourth, physical and mental relaxation, beneficial sleep
Sleep before going to sleep for a while, relax the spirit, go to bed before taking a bath or hot water bubble feet, and then sleep, the smooth sleep is a hundred benefits without harm. Induced the body into sleep, there are many specific methods, such as: relaxation work, has been popular in the folk, it is recommended that you can help. In addition, the introduction of two simple and easy way:

A, Mingtian drum method. After going to bed, supine eyes closed, left palm cover left ear, right palm cover the right ear, with the fingers hit the back of the head, so that the call to hear the sound of the call. Hit the number of times to consciously tired so far. Stop the bullet shot, the head slowly close to the pillow, his hands naturally placed on both sides of the body, will soon fall asleep.

B, closed eyes into the static method. After the bed, the eyes together, and then the eyes slightly open a seam, to maintain some contact with the outside world, although the mental activity is still in operation, but the sympathetic activity has been greatly reduced tension, induced the body gradually into the sleepy hazy state.
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6 recommendations to protect stomach health

The stomach is an important digestive organ of the human body, but also one of the more fragile organs of the human body, almost everyone has had or light or heavy stomach. Stomach is sick, people's appetite is not good, appetite is not good, the human body can not be healthy. So people want to take care of their own stomach. The following six recommendations can help you to effectively manage the stomach:

    One, do not eat supper
Many people like to eat supper, that this can be at night for the body to add nutrition. In fact, this is a wrong practice. At night, most of the tissues and organs of the body enter the "rest" state, including the stomach. If people eat at this time, will make the stomach was forced to work, re-secrete a lot of gastric juice to digest food. Because at this time the brain has been in the "rest" state, so when the secretion of gastric juice is in a state of out of control, which will cause excessive secretion of gastric juice. And too much gastric juice will corrode the gastric mucosa, gastric erosion occurs, ulcers. Therefore, people should try to avoid eating at night. Those who like to eat supper can put three meals a day into four or five meals to eat, and dinner can eat a little later. This can avoid eating at night, and will not have hunger.

Second, eat should keep relaxed mood
People in the meal when a bad mood can lead to the body of its autonomic nervous system disorders. And autonomic disorders will cause gastric acid and pepsin secretion, so that the gastric mucosa by corrosion, gastric vasoconstriction weakness, decreased gastric power, etc., can also lead to food in the stomach to stay too long, causing stomach fatigue. Therefore, people at dinner can say a pleasant topic or listen to music, so that they have a good mood in the meal.

Third, after dinner pay attention to rest
People often say: "after dinner walk, live to ninety-nine". If the meaning of this sentence is: after dinner, people immediately leave. Well, this view is wrong. After dinner, food concentrated in the stomach, this time the stomach needs a lot of digestive juice and blood to digest food. Therefore, people in the meal even after a walk, but also make the blood throughout the body, resulting in the relative reduction of blood supply to the stomach, so that food can not be fully digested and absorbed. Therefore, people should sit in bed after a meal for about half an hour, and then carry out other activities, so that food can be fully digested and absorbed.

Fourth, the implementation of sub-meal system to prevent infectious diseases
Speaking of stomach, you have to mention Helicobacter pylori. A large number of studies have shown that 80% of gastric ulcer is caused by Helicobacter pylori infection, it is even the culprit of gastric cancer. Helicobacter pylori can be transmitted through the digestive tract, and parasitic in the human stomach and duodenum mucosa. People infected with Helicobacter pylori after the gastric mucosa will gradually lose the protective effect, causing inflammation and necrosis of gastric tissue. Therefore, we should be in the daily diet should be implemented sub-meal system, in order to reduce the risk of infection with Helicobacter pylori. Especially patients with gastric ulcer patients, should be implemented sub-meal system.

Five, do the stomach warm
There is no thicker muscle and fat outside the stomach, one of the least protected organs of the body. So the stomach is susceptible to changes in outside temperature. When the stomach by the cold air stimulation, the secretion of gastric acid will increase, will cause gastrointestinal spasmodic contraction, which will lead to patients with stomach pain, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms. So people in the cold weather must do the stomach warm work.

Six, drink a cup of cabbage juice every day
In the World Health Organization recommended the best vegetables, cabbage ranked third. This is because people often eat cabbage can promote the activities of gastric cells, reduce the possibility of gastric cancer. In addition, cabbage contains vitamin u has anti-ulcer effect, can protect the gastric mucosa. If the stomach patients drink 250 grams of fresh coffee every day before the fresh cabbage juice, can play a relieve stomach pain, promote the role of stomach and duodenal ulcer healing.

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Kidney is not good on the old natural tonic on the side

Chinese medicine believes that kidney deficiency is the root cause of human disease, many visceral disease treatment, should start from the kidney. The easiest way is to start from the food, the following these foods can eat!

Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, etc., the total vitamin content than tomato 3 times more. Cabbage in a variety of plant chemicals, help to remove free radicals in the body. To receive dialysis kidney disease patients, it is best to eat cold cabbage.

Fish (especially deep-sea fish) is rich in anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fatty acids that help protect the kidneys. Fish is also an important source of high quality protein.

fruit juice
Juice or vegetable juice has the effect of decomposing and removing garbage from the body. Fruit and vegetable juices contain a variety of plant chemicals, help to prevent dialysis patients with renal failure risk. Especially blueberries and other berries are rich in antioxidants, help to improve kidney health.
We choose the best fresh fruit juice, because the inside of the vitamins and cellulose is more fresh, beneficial to the body's absorption.

Red chili
Red pepper in the key component of capsaicin, helps to break the body (especially blood) garbage. Therefore, red pepper is the perfect food for kidney health.

Egg white
Protecting kidneys requires low-protein low-phosphorus diets, but also add enough protein. Eggs contain a variety of healthy proteins and are lower in phosphorus than other sources.

In addition to rich in vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, β-carotene and other basic nutrients, broccoli is also rich in indole and thiocyanate and other beneficial ingredients, which help to remove toxins in the body, thereby reducing Kidney burden. The simplest way to eat broccoli is boiled with pepper and salt.

Kidney bad people, to pay attention to the daily diet, massage-related points also have a good effect. Here are two simple massage methods.

Kidney method one: press the waist
Two hands on the rubbing to the palm of the hand heat, were placed on the waist, palm to the skin, up and down massage the waist, to the heat so far. Can be done sooner or later, about 200 times each time. This exercise can be kidney gas.

Kidney method two: massage the soles of the feet
Daily before going to bed with warm water foot bath, and then hand rub each other, with the left hand massage the right foot heart, right heart massage left foot heart, each time more than 100 to rub the hot feet is appropriate. This method has the effect of strong kidney Ziyin Reduce Pathogenic Fire, the effect of common hot and humid in the elderly is very good.

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About anemia of kidney disease, how much do you know

1. Erythropoietin (EPO) deficiency, EPO about 90% by renal tubular synthesis, uremic patients due to renal fibrosis, EPO synthesis significantly reduced, the vast majority of patients with EPO deficiency.

2.Iron and vitamin deficiency dialysis patients due to loss of appetite and other reasons, resulting in decreased iron intake, iron content decreased significantly, the patient has a significant inflammatory state, increased oxidative stress, resulting in increased iron use of iron deficiency In addition, a large number of Vitamin loss in dialysis, lack of supplement, may also cause the lack of hematopoietic raw materials.

3. secondary hyperparathyroidism, dialysis patients with calcium and phosphorus metabolism, secondary hyperparathyroidism, hypercapnia iPTH on the formation of red blood cells inhibit the role. The rise of iPTH causes bone metabolism disorders, changes in bone marrow hematopoietic microenvironment, hematopoietic stem cell activation is inhibited, erythropoiesis is reduced.

4. Dialysis deficiency, blood loss, autoimmune diseases and other reasons will increase anemia. Anemia symptoms Clinical manifestations: mild anemia usually no obvious symptoms. When anemia intensifies, often manifested as fatigue,

difficulty breathing, other symptoms include difficulty concentrating, dizziness, sleep disorders, chills and headaches. The above symptoms are slow, the body can compensate. Severe anemia, cardiac output was significantly increased, there may be palpitations, physical decline and left ventricular hypertrophy. Some patients with hemostatic function, immune function, sexual function and cognitive decline at the same time.


Lack of sleep can lead to stroke How long should office workers sleep every day?

Office workers daily life is busy, daily has been sitting in front of the computer, the body immunity is relatively poor, if coupled with the time from time to time to stay up late to work overtime, will put the body down. Because the sleep period is the period of human detoxification, if the toxins do not go out, it will lead to a variety of diseases, many lack of sleep in the prevalence of office workers are relatively high.
Research staff to analyze Japan, the United States, Sweden and the United Kingdom and other eight countries and regions more than 47 million health data. These data span between seven and twenty years.

They concluded that if the regular sleep every night less than 6 hours and sleep is not stable, then the risk of heart disease or death from the heart rate of 48%, suffering from stroke or death probability of 15% higher risk.

"The habit of going to sleep is equivalent to putting a ticking on time for health bombs, and you need to act immediately to drop the risk of these deadly illnesses," said Francesco Capio, a member of the study group. "

Another small member Michelle Miller said the lack of long-term sleep will increase the risk of hypertension, diabetes and obesity.

The study was published by the European Journal of Cardiology.

"There is a lot of people in modern society that work off a balance between work and life, sacrificing precious sleep to complete the work," so that it will significantly increase the risk of stroke or suffering from cardiovascular disease, such as heart disease.

However, Capo also prompt the public, sleep too long is not good. Often continue to sleep more than 9 hours is the signal of cardiovascular disease.

He thought that every day to sleep 7 hours mercy.

"Stay about 7 hours of sleep every night, you can shelter the future of health, while landing the risk of chronic disease. (Sleep and health) contact in our study showed a very obvious: sleep enough to maintain good health, Get a longer health care, "Capo said.

If the office workers sleep less than 6 hours a day, it will increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Persistent sleep can also cause high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity and other diseases, but sleep too long is not conducive to human health, more than 9 hours is easy to people suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The most suitable office worker sleep time is 7 hours.

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The use of the daily necessities of the throw to throw it

Thrift is the fine tradition of our country, the older generation of daily necessities are used again, but you know? Some of the daily necessities of life is the use of the time to throw it, so as not to damage the health of the body.

1. Underwear: wash once a day
Through the underwear with can cause urethral infection and blood infection of bacteria, should be replaced. Underwear to wear a day to wash, and wear a year on the out.

2. Pajamas: wash at least once a week
Pajamas close to the skin, and skin cells will continue to fall off, filled with micro-organisms, they run the wrong place will cause problems. Pajamas should be washed twice every time or at least once a week.

3. Lipstick, eyeliner: change once a year
Cosmetics and the human body the most sensitive skin contact, a long time will breed bacteria, easily lead to infection, the use of a year should be replaced.

4. Bed sheets: wash once a week
Bed will become the human body cells, bacteria and body secretions of the warehouse. The warm and humid environment is the hotbed of dust mites, and their excretions can cause people's allergic reactions. So, every morning should pull the quilt, open the window, every week to change the bed sheets, to 60 ℃ hot water cleaning.

5. Quilt: wash once every few months
The quilts will contain dust mites, skin debris and fungi, easily lead to allergies (such as rhinitis) and infection (such as conjunctivitis). The quilts should be cleaned once every few months and the quilts should be used for over 5 years.

6. Pillow: change once a year
Pillow with too long, not only the support of the head and neck will be weakened, and hair and scalp oil will penetrate into the pillow, the breeding of bacteria, easily lead to allergies and respiratory diseases. General pillow use 1 year should be replaced.

7. Mattress: five years for a time
The quality of the mattress after a long period of wear and tear, support and flexibility will decline. Timely replacement, help relieve physical pain and stiffness. In addition, the mattress will fall a lot can not clean the stains, so that we and bacteria in bed with a pillow. Recommended the best 5 years for a mattress, sleep is not good people should pay attention.

8. Towel: change for three months
With a long towel and dirty and hard, will become a new source of pollution, a serious impact on skin health and the use of comfort, so the best about three months for a new towel, do not wait for damage and then change.

9. Toothbrush: change for three months
The toothbrush needs to be replaced every 3 months and then need to be stored separately, preferably in a closed cabinet. After each use to wash the bristles and thoroughly dry. And every month to immerse the brush in boiling water for 5 minutes, or use the brush to clean the product.

I believe that by reading this article, you have a certain understanding of the use of daily necessities, daily life, we have to develop good living and eating habits in order to be more conducive to good health.

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Combination of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine - Natural enemies of nephropathy

In the clinical treatment of kidney disease on the traditional Chinese medicine that: a variety of kidney disease can develop late renal failure - uremia, which kidney stasis, spleen and kidney decay, turbidity, wet, water retention is the key to the disease pathogenesis. Disease caused by organ damage, qi deficiency qi stagnation, resulting in blood stasis, due to the kidney of the turbidity, spleen transport function dysfunction, leading to wet deposition, spleen and kidney decay, two will lose the Secretary, serum creatinine, urea nitrogen and other metabolites Retention of the body. Cloud Yin is not vent, or on the spleen and stomach, or blinded heart, or provoke liver wind, or camping blood, or water and gas Ling heart off the lungs, which show all kinds of critical disease.

The treatment of kidney disease, the current general, Chinese medicine should be better than Western medicine, and the best combination of Chinese and Western medicine therapy, and the patient's highest satisfaction rate of treatment. Because Western medicine on the treatment of various kidney disease, the use of hormone therapy, but the hormone cover the disease is strong, obvious side effects, and easy to relapse. The Western medicine on renal failure - uremia treatment, in addition to dialysis, kidney transplantation, still still lack the ideal method Moreover, dialysis can only maintain life, palliative, and easy to rely on. Moreover, the success rate of kidney transplantation is low, the exclusion phenomenon is difficult to solve, coupled with expensive, often make patients discouraged. While the treatment of Chinese medicine is facing a long course of treatment, slow and so on.

In the treatment of "purse therapy" treatment of kidney disease the best. Because the "clear detoxification therapy" is based on the patient's disease characteristics as the core, all programs are based on individual physical and traditional Chinese medicine dialect as the starting point for the individual treatment of patients, according to the patient's individual constitution, duration, pathology by the doctor for the patient alone set Program, for the treatment of the stage and the treatment of individual differences in different ways to adjust the program.

According to the disease and physical changes in the dynamic combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment system, is based on traditional Chinese medicine theory and traditional Chinese medicine as the core, to prove the effective Western medicine clinical theory and Western medicine based on the individual physical and sub-disease stage of treatment to patients The body's own immune capacity protection, recovery, promotion and strengthening as the main treatment concept to "clear drug therapy" unique characteristics of treatment, with Western medicine therapy, and strive to delay hemodialysis, to patients for control and delay the disease, for treatment time.

In the implementation of the above scientific and therapeutic means, chronic nephritis, chronic renal insufficiency and other effective recovery of kidney disease was significantly improved, especially for the treatment of many patients with kidney disease opened another life of the sun window.

How to use vegetables and fruits healthy and effective to stains

Bright and clean face dissatisfied with the spotted spots, it is difficult to watch, freckle a lot of ways today teach you how to use fruits and vegetables healthy and effective to stain, interested friends together to understand these to see the small recipe it!

Method one: apricot red mud
First, 30g of apricot red smashed into a mud, and then put the right amount of egg white, they are evenly stirred together. After cleaning the skin at night, you can use their mixture to wipe the long spot, the next morning with a white wine clean, until the spots were repelled so far.

Method two: melon juice
Take the right amount of fresh melon flesh, smashed it and then juice deposited in the long spot parts, 1-2 times a day can be deposited, adhere to a period of time after the face of the little bit will disappear

Method three: parsley water
Take the coriander with the root, clean with water, and then put the right amount of water to cook parsley. After cooking with parsley soup wash, adhere to a period of time after the face of the spots will disappear, it is amazing!

Method four: cherry juice
Take the right amount of cherry, and then juice, with cherry juice coated in a spot where you can wipe 1-2 times a day, you can eliminate the freckles on the face

Summer drink cold drink easy to hurt the spleen and stomach? How to drink cold drink should not hurt the body

Recently the country generally high temperature, most areas have a 40 ° high temperature. A lot of people walking in the outdoors after the sweat can not control to buy cold drinks, so hot summer drink cold drink is very cool to stimulate. But we must know that the summer is easy to moisture into the spleen, often drink cold drinks will bring stimulation and burden to the spleen and stomach, it is prone to diarrhea phenomenon. So how do you drink cold drinks in the summer before it?

Choose the right time before meals fasting, just after dinner should not drink cold drinks, or easy to hurt the stomach. Generally optional 30 minutes after a meal or after a nap drink is appropriate, with ice cold drinks should be around 3 pm drink as well, when the human body yang the most prosperous, not easy to hurt the human body.

Each time to eat the amount of not a continuous ice cream, popsicles more than 2; drink cold material each time to 150 ml is appropriate, bottled drinks 1 more than half a bottle.

Drink cold to "slow" drink cold drink the best taste, slowly drink, so less irritation to the gastrointestinal tract. Eat solid ice, the entrance can be included in the front of the mouth, such as ice melting, close to the body temperature and then slowly swallow, so that it will not stimulate the brain blood vessels, throat, respiratory tract

Do not immediately drink cold drinks, or easily lead to "sweat closed", resulting in sweat pores vent poor, the body cooling difficulties, waste heat accumulation, easily lead to Heat stroke.

Cold drinks stored in the refrigerator for a long time do not drink the refrigerator is not a safe, the general family refrigerator can not effectively play the role of killing certain bacteria. So, cold drinks to buy the best as soon as possible to eat, put in the refrigerator for too long, quality and safety will be reduced. In addition, melt the ice cream do not put back to the refrigerator.

Some people have cold limbs, lip color pale, loose stools, frequent urination, etc., for the body cold phenomenon, should be banned cold drink, in particular, do not directly from the refrigerator to eat frozen food.

Elderly people drink cold drink elderly yang weakened, gastrointestinal function is poor, it is best to eat cold drinks, otherwise it will affect gastrointestinal digestion, reduce disease resistance.

Some chronic patients carefully drink cold drinks, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, chronic gastritis and other patients, sudden cold stimulation can cause vasospasm, blood pressure, may induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, gastritis and other sudden or worse.

We can drink cold drinks in the summer, but should pay attention to drink cold time and manner, half an hour after a meal, slowly drink cold drinks, cold drinks can not be placed in the refrigerator. In addition, children and the elderly immunity is poor, should drink less cold, some chronic patients bogey cold drink. The weather reheat hope that we can grasp the time to drink their own cold drinks, do not let cold drink wounded.


Hypertensive nephropathy to how to eat?

What is good blood pressure kidney disease? Hypertensive nephropathy refers to essential hypertension caused by benign small arterial nephrosclerosis and malignant arterial nephrosclerosis, and accompanied by the corresponding clinical manifestations of the disease. Hypertension is one of the causes of renal insufficiency. Long-term high blood pressure will gradually decline in renal function, and even lead to renal failure. Hypertensive nephropathy What to eat? Hypertensive nephropathy diet therapy should protect renal function and prevent renal dysfunction.

Three meals a day
    Diet should be a small amount of meals, to avoid over full; hypertensive nephropathy patients are often obese, must eat low-calorie food, the total calories should be controlled at 8.36 megajoules per day, the daily staple food 150-250 grams, animal protein and plant protein Each 50%.

    Dinner should be small and light, excessive greasy food will induce a stroke. Edible oil to use vitamin E and linoleic acid oil; do not eat sweets. Eat high-fiber foods such as bamboo shoots, vegetables, cabbage, melon, tomato, eggplant, bean sprouts, jellyfish, kelp, onions and so on, as well as a small amount of fish, shrimp, poultry meat, skim milk powder, egg white and so on.

Low salt
    Each person every day to eat salt should be strictly controlled at 2-5 grams, that is about a teaspoon. The amount of salt should also be reduced by cooking the soy sauce contained in the soy sauce, 3 ml of soy sauce equivalent to 1 g of salt. Sauces (salted vegetables), fermented bean curd, bacon, pickled products, clams shellfish, shrimp, preserved eggs, and chrysanthemum dishes, grass head, water spinach and other vegetables are high sodium, should eat or eat as much as possible.

High potassium

    Potassium-rich foods into the body can be caused by sodium-induced boost and vascular damage, you can often in the recipe "appearance." This kind of food includes beans, mushrooms, black dates, walnuts, peanuts, potatoes, bamboo shoots, lean meat, fish, poultry meat, rhizome vegetables such as amaranth, rape and green onions, fruits such as bananas, dates, peaches, oranges Wait. Fish Regardless of the type of hypertension, fish is the first choice, because the epidemiological survey found that eating fish once a week than eating fish, heart disease mortality was significantly lower.

Fruits and vegetables
    Every day the body needs B vitamins, vitamin C, can be eaten by eating fresh vegetables and fruits to meet. Some people advocate, eat 1-2 apples a day, good for health, fruit can also add calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium and so on.

Calcium supplement
    Some people make hypertensive patients 1 gram of calcium per day, 8 weeks after the decline in blood pressure. So should eat more calcium-rich foods such as soybeans, sunflower seeds, walnuts, milk, peanuts, fish and shrimp, red dates, fresh cabbage mustot, garlic, seaweed and so on.


    The study found that elderly patients with high blood pressure plasma iron below normal, so eat more peas, edible fungus and other iron-rich foods, not only can lower blood pressure, but also to prevent the elderly anemia

    Natural mineral water containing lithium, strontium, zinc, selenium, iodine and other essential trace elements in the human body, boiled water due to precipitation, beneficial to the human body calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc. will be significantly reduced, so the standard of drinking Water should drink Tea contains tea polyphenols, and green tea content than black tea, it can prevent vitamin C oxidation, contribute to the use of vitamin C in the body, and can rule out harmful chromium ions. In addition, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, fluorine and other trace elements. So every day with 4-6 grams of tea (equivalent to 2-3 cups of tea) brewing, long-term use, beneficial to the human body.

    Above the principle of diet, hypertensive nephropathy patients if implemented, perseverance, will be beneficial to health.

Feet are not good kidney disease from the foot to see the kidney is good or bad

Disease can be reflected in a part of the body, from the feet can be seen that the kidney is good or bad, how is this going on?

1, toes
In general, the toes are long and large, the foot is thick and large, the main life, thin and short toes, feet narrow thin main master.
Due to the small toe for the foot Shaoyin kidney by the origin, so the small toe thick thick thick kidney gas and more Sheng; small toe small thin skin kidney more than bad.

2, nails
Healthy people's nails: white half-moon-shaped length of the nail 1/5, pink color, such as cherry petals.
① nail pale, lack of color, more common in malnutrition, anemia patients; In addition, if the nails suddenly turn white, the common blood loss, shock and other acute illness.
② If the nail has longitudinal stripes, it means that in extreme fatigue state, the body function is low.
③ the toe of the toe up the tilt of the people, easy to fatigue eyes, or myopia, astigmatism.
④ If the five toenails are tilted, it may be subject to considerable mental stress.

3, foot palm pattern
And then look at the foot palm pattern, if the lines are very obvious, the spirit may be more melancholy;
The ventral ventral skin has a coarse mesh, and there are pinhole-like damage to women, there may be gonadal endocrine disorders of various symptoms, such as menstrual disorders, loss of libido and so on.

4, toe force uneven
When walking, the soles of the feet, the toes are not evenly used, and have their specific meaning. For example, the soles of the soles of the feet will be thinner, this person may be susceptible to liver disease; small toe soles are more obvious, may be heart sick; heel soles obviously worn, suggesting that kidney problems.
I believe that by reading this article, your relationship between the feet and the kidney have a certain understanding, so in daily life we ​​must do a good job of kidney maintenance, eat more conducive to kidney food, to ensure adequate sleep and rest.

Body weight loss should be how to recommend these foods

Do you belong to the body of the body? In life, most of the weight of people are lower than the normal weight range, so it is weight loss of the constitution, too thin words will also bring some impact on physical health, but also induced many diseases. Do you know how to deal with it? What should I do if my body is thin Diet is particularly important.

Fat choice
In order to ensure that the body can get enough energy, one day the average consumption of about 30g (less than 2 tablespoons). Fish and shrimp shellfish in the green fat contains unsaturated fatty acids (EPA, DHA), it has the role of prevention of atherosclerosis, so the recommended one day the intake of these foods is roughly 50g. Grease part, may be appropriate to use the absorption of better utilization of medium chain fatty acids (MCT), in order to increase the concentration of calorie intake. Pure medium chain fatty acids (MCT) because it does not contain "essential fatty acids", to be used with the general use of grease. It is recommended to use medium-chain fatty acid products that have been mixed with essential fatty acids (eg, more than three high-heat) to avoid the lack of essential fatty acids. General recommended medium-chain fatty acids accounted for the total amount of grease used to not more than 60% principle. Body weight loss can add fat, so you can have to improve the role of physical fitness, reduce the body is too thin situation.

The choice of sugar
Sugar intake is also an important part of the choice of high starchy foods, such as clay, bread, rice, sweet potatoes, taro, pumpkin and so on. Cooking can be thicken, soup, soup type, or in the soup or juice, milk, add some maltodextrin (the so-called corn hydrolyzed starch, can be directly added to the food consumption), increase the calorie intake. Sugar foods can often eat, can not be successful starchy foods, increase the heat at the same time can also have to improve the role of physical fitness.

Through the introduction of the article, I believe we all understand. If your body is also relatively thin, then the diet of the method is particularly important, can help to your. Physical weakness is particularly easy to induce some of the disease, so the best weight should not be less than the normal range, eat some fat and carbohydrate starch food is particularly good choice, is to improve the body's immunity The

Feeling tired of moisture heavy summer dampness with skill

In the summer, many people will have symptoms such as fatigue and fatigue, which are caused by the weight of moisture in the body.
How about clearing damp in the summer?

Feeling tired and wet with moisture
If at the same time when feeling tired, still have appetite not good, defecate is sparse, the tongue coating is relatively white thick wait for symptom, we can think its body moisture is heavy.

"Wet weight" is easy to say, it is the water in the body is relatively much, for example the person that is fat, dropsy, can be wet heavy.
Wet as "evil" of tangible, with a heavy, dirty, the characteristics of viscous damp is the performance drop, often characterized by foot edema, where all want to find a place to sit down, lie down and fall asleep easily, do physical examination found no problem.
It's all a sign of dampness.

Why are you so wet?
There are two possible: it is wet outside, now summer, grain full is over, then there is grain in ear, slight heat throttle followed, is about to enter the rainy season, the rainy season of much rain, the air is wet, so it is wet outside;
The second is internal wetness, which is caused by the spleen deficiency in the body, which can be used to invigorate the spleen clearing damp and remove the moisture from the body without feeling tired.

Summer clearing damp is tricky
1. The lazy, the more you want to exercise
Most humid people in the body are people who eat fat and lack exercise.
These people often feel body, limbs weakness rather than heavy activity, but not love sports, the more the more moisture sedimentation in the body, over time, inevitably will lead to moisture into the spleen, triggered a series of symptoms.
Exercise can relieve stress, promote the operation of body organs, and accelerate the discharge of moisture.
Running, walking, swimming, yoga, tai chi and other sports help activate the blood circulation and increase water metabolism.

Tip 2: eat a light diet
The gastrointestinal system is related to nutrition and water metabolism, the best way is the right amount, balanced diet.
Wine, milk, fat and rich taste, such as greasy food not easy to digest, easily cause the stomach to swell, inflammation.
Sugary foods can cause the body to produce oxides and exacerbate inflammatory reactions.
Cold food, ice or cool sex of fruits and vegetables, can let the stagnation of gastrointestinal digestion and absorption function, unfavorable eat frequently, such as lettuce, salad, watermelon, Chinese cabbage, balsam pear, etc., had better add green onion, ginger, when cook to reduce the cold nature of vegetables.

Step 3: avoid the environment
We generate moisture in our bodies, and there is a large part of the environment that is related to our own metabolism.
Often in damp, cold environment, it is easy to cause moisture to invade the body.
Don't sleep directly on the floor.
The floor is damp and heavy, easy to invade the body, cause the limbs ache.
2. Go out in wet and rainy days.
Do not wear damp, dry clothing, do not cover damp quilts, dry your body thoroughly after taking a bath, blow dry hair.
If the humidity in the room is heavy, it is advisable to open Windows.
If the outside moisture is also heavy, still can open fan, air conditioning, use these electric appliances to keep the convection of air.

Step 4: use spring Onions, ginger, garlic
Spring onion, ginger, garlic is not only the seasoning commonly used in the home, but also has the irreplaceable medicinal value.
For example, we can try at home and cook a bowl of hot ginger soup, with an excellent effect of ginger soup to push the body moisture spread out, until the whole body hair after khan, disease will be reduced, this method also applies to prevent colds after get wet in the rain.

Believe that by reading this article, you are the summer clearing damp little coup had certain understanding, so we must eat some clearing damp summer food, for example, coix seed, red bean, etc., not only clearing damp, also can hairdressing to raise colour.

Winter 9 big kidney method

Spring, summer long, autumn harvest, winter possession, is the law of nature. Now in the winter, in the end what is the winter it? Winter nutrition, refers to the winter to pay attention to the way of health, winter tonic is the traditional Chinese folk health methods, the fundamental principle is chilly body yang, virtual fire physical Ziyin, in order to achieve the balance of yin and yang, the best physical strength The Chinese medicine believes that the kidney has Tibetan essence, the main growth, fertility, reproductive, the main water metabolism, known as the innate of the. Kidney plays an important role in human metabolism. Winter is most suitable for kidney. Kidney deficiency is one of the important factors that cause disorders of organs and diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the method of raising kidney.

 Yang Shen Method 1: diet

Yang Shen can be through the diet method, and more to supplement the kidney food. Such as black sesame seeds, black fungus, black rice, black beans, walnuts, leeks, shrimp, sheep waist and so on. These foods have the role of kidney and kidney.

Yang Shen method two: drinking water

Diet can also kidney. Regular drinking water can help discharge body toxins. When the body of water when the lack of time, may cause cloudy drug retention, increase the burden on the kidney.

Yang Shen method three: massage

Feet with blood acupuncture points, massage some points have the effect of kidney. Such as the foot of the Yongquan hole. Every night before going to bed by rubbing feet solstice springs have the effect of extending Gujing.

 Yang Shen method four: exercise

Life is movement. Exercise is also conducive to kidney. Double palm rub, respectively, on the waist, up and down massage the waist, until the waist has a heat so far. Morning and evening the redo once, each time to do 200.

Yang Shen method five: no urine can not bear

Bladder storage of urine to a certain extent after the toilet must be timely. Otherwise the accumulation of urine will become the water turbidity of the gas, against the kidneys.

Yang Shen method six: sleep

Winter is best not to stay up late, to develop the habit of getting up early, is conducive to the maintenance of kidney essence. Adequate sleep is conducive to blood biochemical. Clinical findings, most patients with renal failure have stayed up late, lack of sleep experience.

Yang Shen method seven: swallow kidney and kidney

Oral saliva is not two parts, one is clear, by the spleen of the Lord; Second, thick by the kidney by the main. Studies have found that the mouth of a saliva to spit it out, less than a day will feel soft waist So swallowing body fluid has the role of kidney.

Yang Shen method eight: the principle of caution drugs

Both traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine have side effects on the human body. Some drugs on the kidney damage is very large, so when the medication to be vigilant, need long-term use of drugs, the best consult experts and doctors. You can not take medicine as far as possible do not take medicine, or drug toxins remain on the kidney.

Yang Shen method nine: smooth stool

Keep the stool is one of the methods of raising the kidney. Poor stool will not only make people upset, chest tightness, shortness of breath, but also hurt the kidneys, leading to backache, nausea and vomiting.


High incidence of hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a disease that is common to young women and is related to modern lifestyles. From elementary school students, middle school students to college students, women aged 10 to 40 are the objects of their favor. Why young women susceptible to hyperthyroidism, how should early detection and prevention of hyperthyroidism?

Female causes high incidence of hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism is the abbreviation of hyperthyroidism, refers to the thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion of too much, resulting in increased sympathetic nervous system excitability and metabolic hyperthyroidism as the main symptoms of the syndrome.

To understand why young women are high incidence of hyperthyroidism, from the onset of hyperthyroidism factors. Hyperthyroidism predisposing factors can be divided into congenital factors and acquired factors two. Congenital factors refers to the genetic factors of hyperthyroidism, if the family was suffering from hyperthyroidism, acquired factors under the influence of her (him) the risk of suffering from hyperthyroidism than the average person high Acquired factors are divided into many aspects: the natural environment of pollution; life, work rhythm accelerated lead to increased stress, causing high levels of nervous nerves, endocrine disorders; the human body by the virus, bacterial infection after the immune dysfunction; And so may lead to the occurrence of hyperthyroidism.

Because of the characteristics of hormones in women's sexual maturity, the estrogen and gonadotropin secreted and unstable in the body, and the relative feelings of women in this age group are not stable, and are more likely to develop when they are mentally stimulated. The

The main clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism for the more food, weight loss, fear of heat, sweating, palpitations, excitement and other high metabolism and nerve excitement to enhance the syndrome, and varying degrees of goiter and eye protrusion, hand tremor, neck vascular murmur, Serious can occur hyperthyroid heart disease, coma and even life-threatening. Therefore, if you are easy to hungry stomach, eat more, weight loss, fast heartbeat, sweating, women may also appear less menstrual flow, long period of symptoms, it is necessary to doubt whether suffering from hyperthyroidism; hyperthyroidism in the late stage, the patient will Severe weight loss, and may develop into malignant exophthalmos, hyperthyroidism heart disease.

Good habits can "resist" hyperthyroidism
For the treatment of hyperthyroidism, there are three commonly used methods: drug treatment, taking iodine therapy and surgical treatment. Three treatment methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, drug treatment medication cycle is long, need more than two years of treatment time, recurrence rate is also high, there may be some adverse drug reactions; taking iodine 131 part of the patient may occur permanent hypothyroidism Is the abbreviation of hypothyroidism is due to thyroid tissue can not secrete enough thyroid hormone to meet the needs of the body's normal function, and the emergence of a series of systemic symptoms), the need for life-long replacement therapy; and surgical treatment may also have surgical complications , Such as recurrent laryngeal nerve injury caused by hoarseness or hypoparathyroidism and so on. No matter what method of treatment of hyperthyroidism, must strictly abide by the doctor's advice, if the unauthorized withdrawal is easy to relapse. Hyperthyroidism patients after rehabilitation, if the work and life is also a long time in a state of high tension and fatigue, but also easy to relapse hyperthyroidism.

Due to the high incidence of hyperthyroidism, but also in the middle and young people, so to develop a good living habits, life should be regular. If you do not pay attention to avoid excessive fatigue, like staying up late, it will lead to nervous tension, affecting the secretion of thyroid hormone; the same time, young people should also improve their immunity, strengthen the exercise, to avoid the virus, bacterial infection.

The above is about the high incidence of hyperthyroidism problems Experts have made a brief introduction, presumably we have to understand the disease, if you have other questions, you can click on the topic page consultation, professional physician will be You answer doubts.

How is the prevention and treatment of cerebral hemorrhage sequelae

Cerebral hemorrhage, usually sudden disease, mortality is very high, is the most serious acute cerebrovascular disease. The main population of cerebral hemorrhage is in the elderly, to 40-70 years old for the most important age of onset. Due to the risk of cerebral hemorrhage, do the prevention of cerebral hemorrhage sequelae is particularly important, then the specific preventive measures is what?

The main cause of cerebral hemorrhage and cerebrovascular disease, sclerosis. Vascular lesions and hyperlipidemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, vascular aging, smoking and so closely related. Generally speaking, cerebral hemorrhage refers to spontaneous primary cerebral hemorrhage. Patients often due to emotional, struggling when the sudden onset of disease, manifested as aphasia, hemiplegia, severe unconscious, more than half of patients with headache, vomiting. Therefore, want to prevent sequelae of cerebral hemorrhage from the following aspects:

First, to control blood pressure: high blood pressure is a lifelong disease, to life medication, not three days fishing, two days drying network, so that blood pressure repeatedly rebound, easily lead to vascular rupture, cerebral hemorrhage occurred.

Second, the law of life: winter is the season of fine gas hiding, should go early to bed late, especially the elderly, the body to adjust the function, can not be the same as the young people to watch TV stay up all night. To rest on time to ensure sleep, especially at noon, it is best to have two hours of lunch break. The elderly can do some appropriate work, but not too tired.

Third, to develop a scientific eating habits: hypertensive patients to quit smoking, alcohol limit, to promote low-salt low-fat diet, diet should be light and diverse. Grains and grains should eat, should eat fish, beans, eggs, milk, lean meat and other foods rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables.

Fourth, to maintain a peaceful state of mind: a healthy state of mind is to prevent atherosclerosis, an important factor in hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage. Elderly people should avoid furious and irritated. Especially in the elderly with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, to be good at regulating and controlling emotions, not stocks, playing mahjong, to prevent the violent fluctuations caused by sudden cerebrovascular accident unexpected.

Fifth, to timely and correct rescue: cerebrovascular accident often anxious, rapid progression, morbidity, high mortality. To ensure that patients in the prime time to get timely and correct treatment, is the key to successful rescue.

Above is the prevention of cerebral hemorrhage sequelae of the method, hoping to arouse everyone's attention, whether you are sick or not should be adjusted in accordance with the recommendations of life, so you can be more healthy.

Which milk on the market is not nutritious

When it comes to drinks with "milk", people certainly think it is made from milk and must be nutritious. In fact, this is not the case, we all know that the market is now the type of milk is very much, such as: yogurt, high calcium milk, breakfast milk and so on. So what milk we can not drink it? Common milk which is unhealthy? Take a look!

Experts pointed out that the processing of food need to add a lot of food additives, with the United Kingdom, China's fast-food shops to sell strawberry milkshake there are so many additives. So, do not in some chain fast food restaurants often eat crush or the kind of "dairy products", these foods you really can not guarantee its composition and quality. Here, let's take a look at these chemical ingredients:

1, fragrance, use more than 40 kinds of compounds carefully formulated strawberry flavor, such as anethole, maltol;
2, pigment, in order to get the same color of strawberries, adding synthetic red pigment;
3, stabilizers and thickeners, in order to make the taste smooth and delicate, adding guar gum, carrageenan and phosphate;
4, sweetener, in order to match the cool sweet, add fructose syrup.

Although there is no milk and strawberries, so with the strawberry milkshakes with at least skimmed milk powder, whey powder and cream, compared to some fast food restaurants with milk cream out of the tea and a variety of fruit drinks, is still good quality The. The so-called 'milk tea' there is no milk and milk powder, is creamer, sugar, flavor and pigment dubbed; and 'fruit drinks' no fruit, but syrup, flavor, pigment, phosphate and other dubbed. Such drinks, nutritional value can be said to be negative.

We understand that many of the processed foods on the market today are somewhat "untrue". For example, many cantaloupe fruit candy is not a little melon ingredients, its color from the "bright blue" and "lemon yellow" with the taste from the essence. Many blueberries do not have a little bit of blueberries, lemon sandwich biscuits and no lemon ingredients.

Experts pointed out that in order to solve a lot of fresh food processing, preservation and transportation of inconvenience, and to meet the tastes of consumers, the food industry has developed a real spice can be spicy, and in the product cut the natural food bitter, astringent taste , Increase the sweetness, so that processed foods are more delicious than natural raw materials. Experts say that the addition of artificial flavors, pigments or additives to these beverages is legal, edible ingredients, the amount of added and the production process is also permitted by law.

Through the above understanding, I believe we have some answers in the heart. Although some of the ingredients in the milk is legally recognized, but the children are not recommended for long-term drinking Oh, even with some pigment drinks is very detrimental to the body. So parents in the selection of dairy products also need to have enough attention Oh

Female winter fear of fear of cold what is the reason

Watching the winter is coming soon, many people will be particularly cold, especially many female friends, often in the winter to wear thick coat and cashmere socks, it is because they are too afraid of the wind and the formation of cold. Then afraid of the fear of the wind is how the wind? Is it because of the formation of the body of the virtual? Here we come together to see the fear of fear of cold is how the answer to this question now!

Afraid of the wind is cold what is the matter
1, yang deficiency caused by
For fear of fear of most people, the emergence of such a situation is due to lack of yang caused by, that is, physically weak. In general, yang deficiency is due to eating cold food all day. Taking antibiotics or excessive sexual intercourse, etc., these conditions will damage the body's yang. After the infection on the cold, if not promptly cleared, or after the illness did not support the yang, but also cause people to fear the situation of fear of fear of the wind, but also to their own body fell to the root cause.

2, poor blood running
From the Chinese medicine, the fear of fear of cold may also be caused by blood problems caused by blood deficiency and qi deficiency will cause the body's blood caused by poor operation caused by, but also may be because of peripheral neuritis and peripheral blood circulation Case. For such patients, be sure to pay attention to diet nutrition, eat some warm food, such as mutton and ginger duck and ginseng tea. And usually have to pay more attention to rest, try not to bear too much pressure.

Through the understanding of the above, I believe we all know that fear of fear of cold is how the answer to this question, it will not be afraid of the fear of the cold is how the problem troubled. In addition, in life, but also exercise more, wear some clothes, take a bath when the use of hot water, so as to ease the symptoms of patients.


Have cervical spondylosis do not sleep pillow line?

Many friends have got cervical spondylosis, have chosen to sleep when the pillow, so they think will reduce the dizziness of the situation, this method in the end right? Got cervical spine without pillow pillow? The following experts invited to tell you about cervical spondylosis do not sleep pillow line?

Many patients with cervical spondylosis in the care of the time do not choose to sleep pillow, but do not know that this is likely to lead to serious cervical spondylosis is the most critical reason, because when the cervical spondylosis patients do not sleep when the pillow often lead to patients with stiff neck and poor breathing Of the symptoms, serious may also lead to cerebral insufficiency symptoms.

For patients with cervical spondylosis if you do not sleep when sleeping pillows caused by the harm is quite serious, so the patient must pay attention to sleep when the choice of high and low fit pillow, to avoid the occurrence of its harm. But also for cervical disease in the early days of the need for timely and authoritative technical treatment!

Cervical spondylosis patients often ask these questions, often patients always thought that suffering from cervical spondylosis pillow pillow is better, resulting in exacerbations, so let me introduce the following cervical spondylosis sleep pillow pillow is not good.

1, cervical spondylosis sleep pillow pillow is not good?

According to the data found that people's life in 1/3 of the time spent in sleep, only sleep well, in order to ensure the remaining 2/3 of the quality of work life. But many cervical spondylosis patients have a lot of misunderstanding of sleep and puzzled, including: sleep in the end should not use pillows. The following questions on the above, we look at the introduction of experts.

2, cervical spondylosis sleep pillow pillow is not good?
Expert analysis, not pillow pillow, head position is lower than the heart, will lead to the blood flow into the head too much, affecting the head blood circulation, blood vessels filling, wall pressure, wake up will feel dizzy, eyelid edema, Seriously affecting the quality of sleep. And the head pad to sleep, the chest is also slightly elevated, so that the lower body of the blood can flow, can reduce the burden on the heart. At the same time, sleep pillow pillow can cause cervical injury. Cervical spine located in the top of the human spine, wrapped in the neck, composed of seven vertebrae. The so-called physiological curvature is formed by the seven vertebrae of a smooth, toward the front of the arc, the pillow's role is to maintain this normal physiological curve. If you do not have a pillow for a long time should bend the cervical spine will become straight, it will hump, damage to the cervical spine, and also affect the health of the spine. Therefore, patients with cervical spondylosis in order to avoid the invasion of the disease, we must pay attention to choose the appropriate pillow use.

3, then what kind of pillow is suitable for patients with cervical spondylosis?
Pillow is too high, no matter what position to sleep, can not keep the normal cervical convex kyphosis, will increase the burden on the cervical spine, may lead to stiff neck. If the neck pain, headache, dizziness, tinnitus and insomnia and other brain neurasthenia, etc., or sleep to sleep half of the hand hemp foot Ma, it may be your pillow is too high; pillow too low will make the head congestion , Easily lead to eyelid and facial swelling, and the jaw will therefore lift up, easy to mouth breathing, snoring situation. If the neck and shoulders wake up after the phenomenon of soreness, that is, the pillow is too low, no pillow or pillow is too soft caused.


Nephritis patients must pay attention to the diet

Nephritis patients need special attention to the diet, and sometimes need to do their own meal, their diet is not too salty, salt is definitely less to put, because it will not increase the ability of the kidney filter, and Can not eat too fishy and too irritating food. Then the specific diet requires us to see the following description of paraffin bar.

Select the filter function dysfunction, the original can not leak a large number of proteins with urine exclusion, urinary routine test indicators showed urine protein positive "+" "+ +" or more. Therefore, the treatment of chronic nephritis, especially for the treatment of proteinuria, need to repair the damaged kidney cells as a starting point for treatment.

After more than 200 cases of chronic nephritis treated by micro-traditional Chinese medicine, it was obtained that the repair of the damaged kidney cells in place, especially the remnant of glomerular epithelial cells in place, after the corresponding glomerular Selective filtering function can also be repaired, once the selective filtration function is repaired, you can restore the function to prevent the protein from continuing to leak. So as long as the damaged epithelial cells in place, the patient's urine protein leakage will gradually reduce the damage to the repair of glomerular epithelial cells is a long process, there is a certain objective repair law, so proteinuria The disappearance of micro-traditional Chinese medicine is the treatment of long-term treatment of blocking effect.

There are many ways to treat chronic nephritis, and diet on the recovery of patients with a certain effect, especially in the summer, the choice of melon treatment of chronic nephritis, which is conducive to the recovery of patients. This article for everyone to explain some of the therapeutic side with melon, hope to help patients.

First, melon green bean soup
Melon, mung bean, fresh soup, ginger, green knot, salt. Will be washed out of the aluminum pan, stir into the soup Shaofei, fishing net foam; ginger washed beat broken people pot, onion to the roots washed into the knot into the pot, green beans washed clean, remove the floating in the water And then into the soup pot stew; the melon peeled, to the flesh, washed, cut into the soup pot, stew to soft and not bad, add a little salt, you can eat. This soup color pure taste, refreshing and delicious, there is the effect of heat diastolic Jieshu. Apply to the summer water-induced block caused by adverse urine, or small yellow and small. Thirsty upset, or swollen, or urinary tract infections such as burning pain.

Second, melon spinach soup
Melon, spinach, lamb, ginger, onions the right amount. First cut the melon peeled, flesh, washed cut into pieces, spinach choose a good wash, cut into 4 cm long section, lamb cut slices, ginger slices, cut onions; then wok on the fire, , Add lamb slices, stir fry, then add scallion, ginger, spinach, melon pieces, stir fry a few, add fresh soup, boil about 10 minutes, add salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, and finally into the wet starch Mix thoroughly. The soup soup delicious, with tonic swelling, weight loss fitness effect, apply to women's pregnancy edema, body fat people eat it.

Children suffering from nephritis, the diet can not eat more salt
Acute nephritis, often advocate control of sodium salt into the body, because the nephritis due to renal function is abnormal sodium, glomerular filtration rate is poor, sodium salt into the body is not easy to discharge and retention, causing edema.

In addition, when the degree of aldosterone secretion of nephritis, renal tubular drainage of potassium to enhance, to promote water and sodium retention. When the salt into the body after the absorption of blood, not only increase the burden on the kidneys, but also increased plasma penetration, osmotic pressure is strong, blood volume increases, the burden of the heart increased. Sodium ions through the capillary wall into the organization, the tissue fluid osmotic pressure increased, and part of the water transferred to the organization, the organization gap of water increased, increased the swelling.

So nephritis should avoid salt, but it should be noted that long-term avoid salt not only affect appetite, but also the recovery of kidney disease is not helpful, the growth and development of children's physical health is harmful, and even cause low sodium syndrome.

Pediatric nephritis acute heart failure, high blood pressure, edema, oliguria should also avoid salt, to prevent blood volume increases, high blood pressure and increased swelling. To be edema subsided, normal urine output, blood pressure can return to normal when the low-salt diet, no more than 2 grams per day, and then continue to observe the disease super-improved, can gradually over the ordinary diet.

And when the nephritis swollen severe, significant hypertension, urine output was significantly reduced, or heart involvement, in addition to salt, but also should be based on the disease limit the amount of protein and liquid, diet and sugar and fat-based.

Nephritis patients diet should be very seriously, can not be taken lightly, that occasionally do not pay attention to it, that will only harm yourself ah.
