
How is the prevention and treatment of cerebral hemorrhage sequelae

Cerebral hemorrhage, usually sudden disease, mortality is very high, is the most serious acute cerebrovascular disease. The main population of cerebral hemorrhage is in the elderly, to 40-70 years old for the most important age of onset. Due to the risk of cerebral hemorrhage, do the prevention of cerebral hemorrhage sequelae is particularly important, then the specific preventive measures is what?

The main cause of cerebral hemorrhage and cerebrovascular disease, sclerosis. Vascular lesions and hyperlipidemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, vascular aging, smoking and so closely related. Generally speaking, cerebral hemorrhage refers to spontaneous primary cerebral hemorrhage. Patients often due to emotional, struggling when the sudden onset of disease, manifested as aphasia, hemiplegia, severe unconscious, more than half of patients with headache, vomiting. Therefore, want to prevent sequelae of cerebral hemorrhage from the following aspects:

First, to control blood pressure: high blood pressure is a lifelong disease, to life medication, not three days fishing, two days drying network, so that blood pressure repeatedly rebound, easily lead to vascular rupture, cerebral hemorrhage occurred.

Second, the law of life: winter is the season of fine gas hiding, should go early to bed late, especially the elderly, the body to adjust the function, can not be the same as the young people to watch TV stay up all night. To rest on time to ensure sleep, especially at noon, it is best to have two hours of lunch break. The elderly can do some appropriate work, but not too tired.

Third, to develop a scientific eating habits: hypertensive patients to quit smoking, alcohol limit, to promote low-salt low-fat diet, diet should be light and diverse. Grains and grains should eat, should eat fish, beans, eggs, milk, lean meat and other foods rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables.

Fourth, to maintain a peaceful state of mind: a healthy state of mind is to prevent atherosclerosis, an important factor in hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage. Elderly people should avoid furious and irritated. Especially in the elderly with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, to be good at regulating and controlling emotions, not stocks, playing mahjong, to prevent the violent fluctuations caused by sudden cerebrovascular accident unexpected.

Fifth, to timely and correct rescue: cerebrovascular accident often anxious, rapid progression, morbidity, high mortality. To ensure that patients in the prime time to get timely and correct treatment, is the key to successful rescue.

Above is the prevention of cerebral hemorrhage sequelae of the method, hoping to arouse everyone's attention, whether you are sick or not should be adjusted in accordance with the recommendations of life, so you can be more healthy.



