
Feet are not good kidney disease from the foot to see the kidney is good or bad

Disease can be reflected in a part of the body, from the feet can be seen that the kidney is good or bad, how is this going on?

1, toes
In general, the toes are long and large, the foot is thick and large, the main life, thin and short toes, feet narrow thin main master.
Due to the small toe for the foot Shaoyin kidney by the origin, so the small toe thick thick thick kidney gas and more Sheng; small toe small thin skin kidney more than bad.

2, nails
Healthy people's nails: white half-moon-shaped length of the nail 1/5, pink color, such as cherry petals.
① nail pale, lack of color, more common in malnutrition, anemia patients; In addition, if the nails suddenly turn white, the common blood loss, shock and other acute illness.
② If the nail has longitudinal stripes, it means that in extreme fatigue state, the body function is low.
③ the toe of the toe up the tilt of the people, easy to fatigue eyes, or myopia, astigmatism.
④ If the five toenails are tilted, it may be subject to considerable mental stress.

3, foot palm pattern
And then look at the foot palm pattern, if the lines are very obvious, the spirit may be more melancholy;
The ventral ventral skin has a coarse mesh, and there are pinhole-like damage to women, there may be gonadal endocrine disorders of various symptoms, such as menstrual disorders, loss of libido and so on.

4, toe force uneven
When walking, the soles of the feet, the toes are not evenly used, and have their specific meaning. For example, the soles of the soles of the feet will be thinner, this person may be susceptible to liver disease; small toe soles are more obvious, may be heart sick; heel soles obviously worn, suggesting that kidney problems.
I believe that by reading this article, your relationship between the feet and the kidney have a certain understanding, so in daily life we ​​must do a good job of kidney maintenance, eat more conducive to kidney food, to ensure adequate sleep and rest.



