
Feeling tired of moisture heavy summer dampness with skill

In the summer, many people will have symptoms such as fatigue and fatigue, which are caused by the weight of moisture in the body.
How about clearing damp in the summer?

Feeling tired and wet with moisture
If at the same time when feeling tired, still have appetite not good, defecate is sparse, the tongue coating is relatively white thick wait for symptom, we can think its body moisture is heavy.

"Wet weight" is easy to say, it is the water in the body is relatively much, for example the person that is fat, dropsy, can be wet heavy.
Wet as "evil" of tangible, with a heavy, dirty, the characteristics of viscous damp is the performance drop, often characterized by foot edema, where all want to find a place to sit down, lie down and fall asleep easily, do physical examination found no problem.
It's all a sign of dampness.

Why are you so wet?
There are two possible: it is wet outside, now summer, grain full is over, then there is grain in ear, slight heat throttle followed, is about to enter the rainy season, the rainy season of much rain, the air is wet, so it is wet outside;
The second is internal wetness, which is caused by the spleen deficiency in the body, which can be used to invigorate the spleen clearing damp and remove the moisture from the body without feeling tired.

Summer clearing damp is tricky
1. The lazy, the more you want to exercise
Most humid people in the body are people who eat fat and lack exercise.
These people often feel body, limbs weakness rather than heavy activity, but not love sports, the more the more moisture sedimentation in the body, over time, inevitably will lead to moisture into the spleen, triggered a series of symptoms.
Exercise can relieve stress, promote the operation of body organs, and accelerate the discharge of moisture.
Running, walking, swimming, yoga, tai chi and other sports help activate the blood circulation and increase water metabolism.

Tip 2: eat a light diet
The gastrointestinal system is related to nutrition and water metabolism, the best way is the right amount, balanced diet.
Wine, milk, fat and rich taste, such as greasy food not easy to digest, easily cause the stomach to swell, inflammation.
Sugary foods can cause the body to produce oxides and exacerbate inflammatory reactions.
Cold food, ice or cool sex of fruits and vegetables, can let the stagnation of gastrointestinal digestion and absorption function, unfavorable eat frequently, such as lettuce, salad, watermelon, Chinese cabbage, balsam pear, etc., had better add green onion, ginger, when cook to reduce the cold nature of vegetables.

Step 3: avoid the environment
We generate moisture in our bodies, and there is a large part of the environment that is related to our own metabolism.
Often in damp, cold environment, it is easy to cause moisture to invade the body.
Don't sleep directly on the floor.
The floor is damp and heavy, easy to invade the body, cause the limbs ache.
2. Go out in wet and rainy days.
Do not wear damp, dry clothing, do not cover damp quilts, dry your body thoroughly after taking a bath, blow dry hair.
If the humidity in the room is heavy, it is advisable to open Windows.
If the outside moisture is also heavy, still can open fan, air conditioning, use these electric appliances to keep the convection of air.

Step 4: use spring Onions, ginger, garlic
Spring onion, ginger, garlic is not only the seasoning commonly used in the home, but also has the irreplaceable medicinal value.
For example, we can try at home and cook a bowl of hot ginger soup, with an excellent effect of ginger soup to push the body moisture spread out, until the whole body hair after khan, disease will be reduced, this method also applies to prevent colds after get wet in the rain.

Believe that by reading this article, you are the summer clearing damp little coup had certain understanding, so we must eat some clearing damp summer food, for example, coix seed, red bean, etc., not only clearing damp, also can hairdressing to raise colour.



