
Nephritis patients must pay attention to the diet

Nephritis patients need special attention to the diet, and sometimes need to do their own meal, their diet is not too salty, salt is definitely less to put, because it will not increase the ability of the kidney filter, and Can not eat too fishy and too irritating food. Then the specific diet requires us to see the following description of paraffin bar.

Select the filter function dysfunction, the original can not leak a large number of proteins with urine exclusion, urinary routine test indicators showed urine protein positive "+" "+ +" or more. Therefore, the treatment of chronic nephritis, especially for the treatment of proteinuria, need to repair the damaged kidney cells as a starting point for treatment.

After more than 200 cases of chronic nephritis treated by micro-traditional Chinese medicine, it was obtained that the repair of the damaged kidney cells in place, especially the remnant of glomerular epithelial cells in place, after the corresponding glomerular Selective filtering function can also be repaired, once the selective filtration function is repaired, you can restore the function to prevent the protein from continuing to leak. So as long as the damaged epithelial cells in place, the patient's urine protein leakage will gradually reduce the damage to the repair of glomerular epithelial cells is a long process, there is a certain objective repair law, so proteinuria The disappearance of micro-traditional Chinese medicine is the treatment of long-term treatment of blocking effect.

There are many ways to treat chronic nephritis, and diet on the recovery of patients with a certain effect, especially in the summer, the choice of melon treatment of chronic nephritis, which is conducive to the recovery of patients. This article for everyone to explain some of the therapeutic side with melon, hope to help patients.

First, melon green bean soup
Melon, mung bean, fresh soup, ginger, green knot, salt. Will be washed out of the aluminum pan, stir into the soup Shaofei, fishing net foam; ginger washed beat broken people pot, onion to the roots washed into the knot into the pot, green beans washed clean, remove the floating in the water And then into the soup pot stew; the melon peeled, to the flesh, washed, cut into the soup pot, stew to soft and not bad, add a little salt, you can eat. This soup color pure taste, refreshing and delicious, there is the effect of heat diastolic Jieshu. Apply to the summer water-induced block caused by adverse urine, or small yellow and small. Thirsty upset, or swollen, or urinary tract infections such as burning pain.

Second, melon spinach soup
Melon, spinach, lamb, ginger, onions the right amount. First cut the melon peeled, flesh, washed cut into pieces, spinach choose a good wash, cut into 4 cm long section, lamb cut slices, ginger slices, cut onions; then wok on the fire, , Add lamb slices, stir fry, then add scallion, ginger, spinach, melon pieces, stir fry a few, add fresh soup, boil about 10 minutes, add salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, and finally into the wet starch Mix thoroughly. The soup soup delicious, with tonic swelling, weight loss fitness effect, apply to women's pregnancy edema, body fat people eat it.

Children suffering from nephritis, the diet can not eat more salt
Acute nephritis, often advocate control of sodium salt into the body, because the nephritis due to renal function is abnormal sodium, glomerular filtration rate is poor, sodium salt into the body is not easy to discharge and retention, causing edema.

In addition, when the degree of aldosterone secretion of nephritis, renal tubular drainage of potassium to enhance, to promote water and sodium retention. When the salt into the body after the absorption of blood, not only increase the burden on the kidneys, but also increased plasma penetration, osmotic pressure is strong, blood volume increases, the burden of the heart increased. Sodium ions through the capillary wall into the organization, the tissue fluid osmotic pressure increased, and part of the water transferred to the organization, the organization gap of water increased, increased the swelling.

So nephritis should avoid salt, but it should be noted that long-term avoid salt not only affect appetite, but also the recovery of kidney disease is not helpful, the growth and development of children's physical health is harmful, and even cause low sodium syndrome.

Pediatric nephritis acute heart failure, high blood pressure, edema, oliguria should also avoid salt, to prevent blood volume increases, high blood pressure and increased swelling. To be edema subsided, normal urine output, blood pressure can return to normal when the low-salt diet, no more than 2 grams per day, and then continue to observe the disease super-improved, can gradually over the ordinary diet.

And when the nephritis swollen severe, significant hypertension, urine output was significantly reduced, or heart involvement, in addition to salt, but also should be based on the disease limit the amount of protein and liquid, diet and sugar and fat-based.

Nephritis patients diet should be very seriously, can not be taken lightly, that occasionally do not pay attention to it, that will only harm yourself ah.



