
Winter 9 big kidney method

Spring, summer long, autumn harvest, winter possession, is the law of nature. Now in the winter, in the end what is the winter it? Winter nutrition, refers to the winter to pay attention to the way of health, winter tonic is the traditional Chinese folk health methods, the fundamental principle is chilly body yang, virtual fire physical Ziyin, in order to achieve the balance of yin and yang, the best physical strength The Chinese medicine believes that the kidney has Tibetan essence, the main growth, fertility, reproductive, the main water metabolism, known as the innate of the. Kidney plays an important role in human metabolism. Winter is most suitable for kidney. Kidney deficiency is one of the important factors that cause disorders of organs and diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the method of raising kidney.

 Yang Shen Method 1: diet

Yang Shen can be through the diet method, and more to supplement the kidney food. Such as black sesame seeds, black fungus, black rice, black beans, walnuts, leeks, shrimp, sheep waist and so on. These foods have the role of kidney and kidney.

Yang Shen method two: drinking water

Diet can also kidney. Regular drinking water can help discharge body toxins. When the body of water when the lack of time, may cause cloudy drug retention, increase the burden on the kidney.

Yang Shen method three: massage

Feet with blood acupuncture points, massage some points have the effect of kidney. Such as the foot of the Yongquan hole. Every night before going to bed by rubbing feet solstice springs have the effect of extending Gujing.

 Yang Shen method four: exercise

Life is movement. Exercise is also conducive to kidney. Double palm rub, respectively, on the waist, up and down massage the waist, until the waist has a heat so far. Morning and evening the redo once, each time to do 200.

Yang Shen method five: no urine can not bear

Bladder storage of urine to a certain extent after the toilet must be timely. Otherwise the accumulation of urine will become the water turbidity of the gas, against the kidneys.

Yang Shen method six: sleep

Winter is best not to stay up late, to develop the habit of getting up early, is conducive to the maintenance of kidney essence. Adequate sleep is conducive to blood biochemical. Clinical findings, most patients with renal failure have stayed up late, lack of sleep experience.

Yang Shen method seven: swallow kidney and kidney

Oral saliva is not two parts, one is clear, by the spleen of the Lord; Second, thick by the kidney by the main. Studies have found that the mouth of a saliva to spit it out, less than a day will feel soft waist So swallowing body fluid has the role of kidney.

Yang Shen method eight: the principle of caution drugs

Both traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine have side effects on the human body. Some drugs on the kidney damage is very large, so when the medication to be vigilant, need long-term use of drugs, the best consult experts and doctors. You can not take medicine as far as possible do not take medicine, or drug toxins remain on the kidney.

Yang Shen method nine: smooth stool

Keep the stool is one of the methods of raising the kidney. Poor stool will not only make people upset, chest tightness, shortness of breath, but also hurt the kidneys, leading to backache, nausea and vomiting.



