
Female winter fear of fear of cold what is the reason

Watching the winter is coming soon, many people will be particularly cold, especially many female friends, often in the winter to wear thick coat and cashmere socks, it is because they are too afraid of the wind and the formation of cold. Then afraid of the fear of the wind is how the wind? Is it because of the formation of the body of the virtual? Here we come together to see the fear of fear of cold is how the answer to this question now!

Afraid of the wind is cold what is the matter
1, yang deficiency caused by
For fear of fear of most people, the emergence of such a situation is due to lack of yang caused by, that is, physically weak. In general, yang deficiency is due to eating cold food all day. Taking antibiotics or excessive sexual intercourse, etc., these conditions will damage the body's yang. After the infection on the cold, if not promptly cleared, or after the illness did not support the yang, but also cause people to fear the situation of fear of fear of the wind, but also to their own body fell to the root cause.

2, poor blood running
From the Chinese medicine, the fear of fear of cold may also be caused by blood problems caused by blood deficiency and qi deficiency will cause the body's blood caused by poor operation caused by, but also may be because of peripheral neuritis and peripheral blood circulation Case. For such patients, be sure to pay attention to diet nutrition, eat some warm food, such as mutton and ginger duck and ginseng tea. And usually have to pay more attention to rest, try not to bear too much pressure.

Through the understanding of the above, I believe we all know that fear of fear of cold is how the answer to this question, it will not be afraid of the fear of the cold is how the problem troubled. In addition, in life, but also exercise more, wear some clothes, take a bath when the use of hot water, so as to ease the symptoms of patients.



