
Lack of sleep can lead to stroke How long should office workers sleep every day?

Office workers daily life is busy, daily has been sitting in front of the computer, the body immunity is relatively poor, if coupled with the time from time to time to stay up late to work overtime, will put the body down. Because the sleep period is the period of human detoxification, if the toxins do not go out, it will lead to a variety of diseases, many lack of sleep in the prevalence of office workers are relatively high.
Research staff to analyze Japan, the United States, Sweden and the United Kingdom and other eight countries and regions more than 47 million health data. These data span between seven and twenty years.

They concluded that if the regular sleep every night less than 6 hours and sleep is not stable, then the risk of heart disease or death from the heart rate of 48%, suffering from stroke or death probability of 15% higher risk.

"The habit of going to sleep is equivalent to putting a ticking on time for health bombs, and you need to act immediately to drop the risk of these deadly illnesses," said Francesco Capio, a member of the study group. "

Another small member Michelle Miller said the lack of long-term sleep will increase the risk of hypertension, diabetes and obesity.

The study was published by the European Journal of Cardiology.

"There is a lot of people in modern society that work off a balance between work and life, sacrificing precious sleep to complete the work," so that it will significantly increase the risk of stroke or suffering from cardiovascular disease, such as heart disease.

However, Capo also prompt the public, sleep too long is not good. Often continue to sleep more than 9 hours is the signal of cardiovascular disease.

He thought that every day to sleep 7 hours mercy.

"Stay about 7 hours of sleep every night, you can shelter the future of health, while landing the risk of chronic disease. (Sleep and health) contact in our study showed a very obvious: sleep enough to maintain good health, Get a longer health care, "Capo said.

If the office workers sleep less than 6 hours a day, it will increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Persistent sleep can also cause high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity and other diseases, but sleep too long is not conducive to human health, more than 9 hours is easy to people suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The most suitable office worker sleep time is 7 hours.

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