
The five major causes of kidney disease is not far away! Got kidney failure late!

Aunt Lee, who lives in the same district, said she was mad at her own son. Both say that alcohol and alcohol hurt the body, she and her 20 or so children said away from alcohol and tobacco, the results of young people said, "Tobacco and tobacco, friends and friends, no alcohol and tobacco, they can not be friends, go by which.

Aunt Lee is angry on the one hand, children are really taking their own health inappropriate, on the other hand is that theory too tactful. Although, in daily life, many men will give others in many occasions hand tobacco, pour wine, said friendly. However, it is this habit of habitually slowly damaging our health and damaging our kidneys.

Want good health, it is necessary to kidney, kidney good what good, to kidney good, kidney injury behavior must be far away. Instead of being afraid that one day they will suffer from kidney failure and uremia, it is better to put an end to the injury and to avoid nephropathy, which is the best choice.

Wound kidney habit 1: immersed in alcohol and tobacco
Almost everyone knows that alcohol and tobacco injure the body, but there are still many people after the waves pushed themselves in the tobacco and alcohol on the beach.

Tobacco toxic substances will directly damage the kidneys, excessive drinking to the kidneys add burden, but also easy to frequent accidents. Do not really hurt the kidneys, suffering from kidney disease only to work hard to quit smoking and drinking. Tobacco and alcohol do not leave, there is no health, where to go, think about your family more.

Kidney damage habits 2: abnormal living
Lack of accommodation, people are guilty of the most likely to stay up late. In order to work, in order to learn, for entertainment, for shopping, etc., at night 2, 3 o'clock to sleep as part of many people's lives. This also does not get a good rest, during the day also need to continue to work. And you do not rest, your kidneys can not rest, it's been a long time to get sick

Kidney damage habits 3: unhealthy eating habits
Overeating, partial eclipse, excessive intake of sweets, high-fat high-purine foods are all unhealthy eating habits. Will increase the burden on the kidneys, causing accumulation of toxins in the body.

Kidney damage habits 4: abuse of drugs, health products
Abuse of antibiotics, cold medicine, painkillers and the like have become serious drug safety problems nowadays. Some people in order to kidney Renal kidney eat health products. In fact, these are not desirable. If you want your kidneys to be good, you should give your kidneys less trouble. It is best to consult your doctor before taking any medicines to prevent the kidneys from getting ingested.

Doctors call for joint: the five major causes of kidney disease is not far away! Got kidney failure late!

Kidney damage habits 5: love holding back urine
Holding back urine, making the urine stay in the body for too long, breeding bacteria, endanger the urinary system and kidneys. To develop drink plenty of water, less holding back urine habits.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



