
Nephropathy prevention 6 tips

The vast majority of chronic renal failure is gradually evolved from a variety of chronic kidney disease, and three cases of uremia people very sorry: To this end, the following six points:

Early detection

Early detection and diagnosis of kidney disease is the prerequisite and the key. Early symptoms of kidney disease vary, often without specificity, easily overlooked or misdiagnosed. For high-risk groups should pay full attention to, such as the elderly; hypertension, diabetes, obesity or metabolic syndrome patients; repeated use of various drug patients; family history of chronic kidney disease, to be regularly and regularly screening, with a view to early detection. Such as the emergence of energy diminished; eyelids, ankles edema (especially in the early morning); nocturia frequent; small bubbles in urine; urine was dark brown or wash water samples; blood pressure, etc., may be nephritis kidney disease stage, to be active Get medical attention. Such as poor appetite, nausea and vomiting; bad breath or ammonia smell; pale or black; dry and itchy skin; leg cramps; weakness obviously, rest can not be relieved; attention difficult to concentrate, headache, sleep disorders, May have been a stage of renal failure or uremia.

Often check

Regardless of whether there is kidney disease or other diseases, but also to achieve annual health examination, physical examination crowd can often find proteinuria, microscopic hematuria or metabolic abnormalities, elevated blood urea nitrogen or creatinine, B- , So that timely medical treatment. For patients who already have nephritis or renal failure, it should be more regular checks, do not take medicine in the perennial only do not check, this is very dangerous behavior.

Only regular laboratory tests to detect changes in renal function earlier, and the treatment program to make the appropriate adjustments. For clinically cured nephritis nephrotic syndrome or other kidney disease, but also to check once a year or 6 months urine, renal function, renal B ultrasonic.

Caution medication

The vast majority of drug metabolism through the kidneys excreted, therefore, the kidney vulnerable to drug damage. Regardless of whether there is kidney damage, should be cautious of medication, such as aminoglycoside antibiotics, antipyretic analgesics, iodine contrast agent can not be used. In the case of exogenous, do not take antibiotics immediately, because the cold is almost always caused by the virus, should drink plenty of water, rest, or take Banlangen, Chaihu granules, of course, proprietary Chinese medicine also dialectical, not a thousand people.

Clever treatment

Most of the kidney disease is chronic, difficult disease, the treatment of Chinese medicine is very effective. For example, for nephrotic syndrome, combined with pathological conditions, the use of hormones or cytotoxic drugs at the same time, according to the Syndromes administered to the decoction can play synergies and reduce the toxic side effects of hormones or cytotoxic drugs than single hormone Or cytotoxic drugs better. In addition, Chinese medicine from the "fill", "astringent", "clear blood and promoting blood circulation" and other treatment methods can achieve better clinical efficacy. For chronic renal failure, intractable urinary tract infection, diabetic nephropathy, etc., Chinese medicine also has a good effect.


Nephrotic syndrome is prone to infection, thrombosis or embolism, acute renal failure, lipid or protein metabolism disorders and other complications, and if there is to be given timely and appropriate treatment. In the use of hormones or cytotoxic drugs in the process, to prevent the emergence of a variety of toxic and side effects, may be appropriate in the Decoction Decoction appropriate drug, play a preventive and therapeutic role. Such as detoxification or clearing and dampness and heat Chinese medicine can reduce the source of Cushing's side effects caused by hormones; and stomach and spleen herbs can reduce the stimulation of hormones and other gastrointestinal tract; Yishenjingjing prevent immunosuppressive agents on the bone marrow And the body's normal immunity over-inhibition.

Defensive side

For a variety of chronic kidney disease to achieve long-term efficacy, the most important thing is to adhere to the treatment. Such as chronic renal failure, especially in the early and mid-term, as a result of asymptomatic symptoms or symptoms is not obvious, after the first stage of treatment, patients tend to be careless, no longer valued or tired of long-term medication, self-stop or stop seeking medical treatment, leaving the disease Rapid progress, and had to dialysis treatment. From an economic point of view, a year delay in dialysis, you can save costs over 50,000 yuan. Therefore, including chronic renal failure, including a variety of kidney disease must be able to keep alive, can reduce the disease or stable and effective prescriptions to insist on long-term use.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



