
Keep these four points in mind, away from chronic renal failure

Chronic renal failure is a progressive renal impairment that occurs in the late stages of various kidney diseases and the resulting clinical syndrome, seriously endangering people's health and even their lives. Dialysis and kidney transplantation in patients with uremia quality of life and life span has been greatly improved, but it can only be the expedient for uremic renal failure, in the early chronic renal failure there is no specific drugs, and expensive , A serious lack of kidney, many patients have no alternative but to the end of life. However, chronic renal failure from the onset to progression to uremia has a relatively long development process, so the early prevention of this disease, early diagnosis and early treatment to delay its occurrence and progression of the disease may provide the possibility.

Keep these four points in mind, away from chronic renal failure

How to do early prevention of chronic renal failure, early diagnosis, early treatment? Based on the results of modern medical research, we think the following:

For patients who already have kidney disease or other systemic diseases that may cause kidney damage (such as diabetes, hypertension, systemic lupus erythematosus, etc.), in addition to actively and timely treatment of primary disease prevent the occurrence of chronic renal failure In addition, regular monitoring of serum creatinine and endogenous creatinine clearance and other indicators of renal function, in order to achieve an early diagnosis, early treatment.

Keep these four points in mind, away from chronic renal failure

Due to chronic illness with kidney toxicity side effects of drugs, should also be regularly detected renal function.

Patients with kidney disease, especially those with longer duration, should not only focus on the examination of urine while actively treating them, but also check the nephrogram and endogenous creatinine clearance as required by the doctor when necessary to avoid adverse effects on chronic Early diagnosis of renal failure, the timing of early treatment.

Normal serum creatinine less than 177μmol / L, endogenous creatinine clear rate between 85 ~ 120ml / min, when the endogenous creatinine clear rate of less than 80ml / min, it may have entered the stage of chronic renal failure. Each kidney has about one million nephrons, only the number of damage to only the remaining 1/2 ~ 1/3 normal, there will be an increase in serum creatinine, endogenous creatinine clear rate decreased. The study confirmed that even if a person has only one normal kidney, can still normal life, early symptoms of chronic renal failure (compensatory) symptoms are relatively minor, it is more likely to be ignored and delaying the best timing of treatment, we can see the real occurrence of renal failure and When the symptoms of kidney damage has been severe, but also evidence of chronic renal failure, why the treatment cycle is longer, which is not treated in time the main reason for the poor prognosis.

Keep these four points in mind, away from chronic renal failure

For patients who already have kidney disease, you should try to avoid the use of drugs that have kidney damage, let alone use remedies or self-advocate arbitrary medication, because the drugs you use may have kidney toxicity or adverse effects on the body itself, so not only can not Play a therapeutic effect, but may increase kidney damage, more likely to delay the timely and proper treatment of the disease.

The above is about the early prevention of chronic renal failure, early diagnosis of some of the methods and measures, I hope can arouse the attention of you and for your help.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



