
What are the clinical features of IgA nephropathy?

IgA nephropathy refers to a large number of IgA or IgA-based immunoglobulins or circulating immune complexes in the renal tissue immunofluorescence in the glomerular mesangial deposition of a primary glomerular disease, clinically recurrent Sexual gross hematuria and / or persistent microscopic hematuria, with small or large amounts of proteinuria as the main manifestation of a kidney disease.

What is IgA nephropathy, IgA nephropathy What are the clinical features

IgA nephropathy is a common glomerular disease worldwide, 80% of the 16 to 35-year-old onset, in general, white, yellow, the incidence was significantly higher than blacks. According to our data, the incidence of IgA nephropathy in our country accounts for about 20% of primary glomerular diseases. In recent years, due to the extensive implementation of renal biopsy, the incidence rate has risen significantly compared with the previous years and it has become common among Chinese residents Kidney disease.

IgA nephropathy is common in young adults, men are more common, young women also occur from time to time. IgA nephropathy usually has the following clinical features:

What is IgA nephropathy, IgA nephropathy What are the clinical features

iga nephropathy pathology

(1) recurrent transient gross hematuria generally occurs within 1 to 2 days of respiratory tract infection (eg, tonsillitis), lasting from hours to days with repeated attacks for many years.

(2) asymptomatic urine abnormalities such as persistent or intermittent microscopic hematuria, more than mild urinary protein, usually 24 hours urine protein less than lg. This type is the most common, accounting for about 60%.

(3) a small number of patients showed symptoms of chronic nephritis, manifested as mild to moderate hypertension, microscopic hematuria and a small amount of proteinuria.

(4) a small number of patients showed nephrotic syndrome, nephrotic syndrome typical three high and one low symptoms.

(5) some patients may occur self-limiting, reversible acute renal failure, after treatment can be alleviated, there are some thinking in acute renal failure, the rapid evolution of uremia, the need for alternative treatment

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