
Chinese medicine treatment of chronic renal failure

1, chronic renal failure Chinese medicine treatment

1.1, aconite Pinellia decoction of chronic renal failure: function and role of warm in the cold. Chinese medicine used to treat chronic renal failure. Composition of the drugs include cooked aconite (Xian Jian), ginger Pinellia, rhubarb (after the next), basil, mung bean, falling fight, June snow, Codonopsis, Chuan berberine, raw licorice, fried Atractylodes.

1.2 Cordyceps sinensis treatment of chronic renal failure: function and role mainly complement wasting, essence of good gas, cough and phlegm. Mainly used in clinical treatment of chronic renal failure. The main component of the drug is Cordyceps sinensis. Usage and dosage of the drug is daily 1, when used, the patient should decoction with residue together. Patients should eat high-calorie and low-protein malt diet during their medication.

1.3, Astragalus Codonopsis treatment of chronic renal failure: function and role of Wenshenhuoxue, expelling heat. Mainly for the treatment of chronic renal failure. The composition of the drug is Sunburn Astragalus, Chinese yam, motherwort, Lu Codonopsis, habitat, cornus, Alisma orientalis, Poria cocos, Danpi, Schisandra, Barberry Yao, Epimedium, Wujiapi, Ophiopogon, water safflower Seeds, leaves, wind, Chan Yi, water frogs, earthworms. Usage and dosage of this prescription is daily 1, decoction 3 times to get rid of dregs mixture liquid 3 times service.

2, the etiology of chronic renal failure

The causes of chronic renal failure with a variety of primary and secondary glomerulonephritis prevail, followed by congenital malformations of the urinary system (such as renal dysplasia, congenital polycystic kidney disease, vesicoureteral reflux, etc.), hereditary Diseases (such as hereditary nephritis, medullary cystic disease, Fanconi syndrome, etc.) systemic systemic disease with renal arteriosclerosis, hypertension, connective tissue disease more common in recent years, the primary disease CRF has changed , CRF caused by tubulointerstitial tubulointerstitial damage is gradually receiving people's attention. Diabetic nephropathy, autoimmune and connective tissue diseases, renal damage, caused by CRF also have an upward trend.

3, the clinical manifestations of chronic renal failure

Chronic renal failure affects various systems and organs and can lead to a wide variety of clinical manifestations, however, without any symptoms or with only a few before the loss of 80% of nephrons, or before the GFP drops to 25 ml / min Biochemical changes, in chronic progressive diseases such as polycystic kidney disease, can be asymptomatic even with a GFR of less than 10 ml / min, due to the immense adaptation of residual nephrons.

How to prevent chronic renal failure
Primary prevention: refers to the existing primary kidney disease (such as glomerulonephritis) or may cause secondary kidney damage (such as diabetes, hypertension) for effective treatment to prevent chronic renal failure happened.

Secondary prevention: First, refer to the early and intermediate chronic renal failure for timely treatment to prevent the occurrence of uremia.

Third-level prevention: refers to the early treatment of uremic patients in a timely manner to prevent the occurrence of uremic complications and improve patient survival and quality of life.

The living room should be kept clean: the living room of patients with chronic renal failure should be kept clean, the air should be fresh, and the windows should be ventilated daily to avoid convection wind. Pay attention to keep warm and prevent colds.

Chinese medicine treatment of chronic renal failure
Maintain oral hygiene: suffering from chronic renal failure should pay attention to maintaining oral hygiene, gargle with tea before meals and after meals to reduce the oral odor. Brushing teeth sooner or later, toothbrush use soft brush to prevent bleeding gums.

Moderate exercise: In order to better protect the residual renal function, patients with chronic renal failure can not participate in strenuous exercise, but also do not rest in bed, moderate exercise.

Chronic renal failure diet considerations
1, limit protein intake

Should use high-quality low-protein diet in patients with chronic renal failure, the need to limit protein intake, to reduce the burden on the kidneys, but if you eat too little, then the body's muscles and visceral tissue consumption, resulting in malnutrition, high intake of high physiological value Animal protein foods, such as: milk, eggs, meat, but the amount to be controlled.

Chinese medicine treatment of chronic renal failure
2, careful control of moisture

Acute renal failure patients urination reduced, the water will accumulate in the body, the cardiovascular system of the load increase, there will be no vitality, body edema, weight gain, cough, lying down to shortness of breath, decreased blood volume, and complicated by high blood pressure, heart Failure, pericarditis.

3, beware of hyperkalemia potassium

When suffering from acute renal failure, potassium ions are also not excreted by the kidneys, causing "hyperkalemia," which may cause numbness, tiredness, weakness in the limbs, tightness of the chest, stiffness of the tongue, difficulty speaking, unconsciousness, and severe arrhythmia Sudden death or sudden cardiac arrest.

4, chronic renal failure diet attention salt control

Acute renal failure can not discharge water, salt, easily lead to edema and aggravate hypertension. Patients should not eat more than 5 grams of salt a day. You can use sugar, onions, ginger, garlic, etc. to improve the taste.

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