
Creatinine as high as renal failure uremia it?

Creatinine (Cre) is the product of muscle metabolism in the human body and produces 1 mg of creatinine per 20 grams of muscle mass. Creatinine is mainly excreted by glomerular filtration. Blood creatinine from both exogenous and endogenous, exogenous creatinine is the product of meat metabolism in the body; endogenous creatinine is the product of muscle tissue metabolism. When the intake of meat food is stable, there is no major change in the body's muscle metabolism, creatinine formation will be more constant.

Endogenous creatinine is the product of human muscle metabolism. In muscle, creatine slowly forms creatinine through irreversible, non-enzymatic dehydration, and is released into the blood and excreted in the urine. Therefore, serum creatinine and the body's total muscle is closely related to the diet is not easy. Creatinine is a small molecule that can pass through the glomerular filtration and is rarely absorbed in the renal tubules. Creatinine, which is produced daily in the body, is almost always excreted with urine and is generally not affected by urine output. When renal insufficiency, creatinine accumulation in the body become harmful toxins.

Normal serum creatinine measurements in various hospitals are not the same, in general the standard serum creatinine as: 44-133μmol / L, when the serum creatinine more than 133μmol / L means kidney damage, renal insufficiency, renal failure. 133umol / L or more of the inflammatory injury, 186μmol / L of renal impairment, 451μmol / L of renal failure, late (serum creatinine value over 707umol / L) for uremia

Serum creatinine (SCr) normal:

Men 53 to 106 micromoles / liter (0.6 to 1.2 mg / dl);

Female 44-97 micromoles / liter (0.5 ~ 1.1 mg / dl).

Children: 24.9 ~ 69.7μmol / L.

Serum creatinine high harm:

1, sodium metabolism disorders: high creatinine may also appear hyponatremia or hypernatremia.

2, blood system diseases, such as renal anemia and so on.

3, water metabolism disorders: including polyuria, nocturia, thirst, mucosal dryness, fatigue, etc .; or systemic edema, high blood pressure, pulmonary edema and heart failure.

4, circulatory system disease

5, renal osteodystrophy: bone pain and proximal muscle weakness; bone pain often systemic, the following weight-bearing heavy bones, skeletal deformities can cause short stature and other symptoms.

6, metabolic acidosis: patients with high creatinine may have deep breathing and long, lack of appetite, abdominal pain and nausea, vomiting, weakness, headache, restlessness and even coma and other symptoms.

7, digestive system disease

8, aluminum, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium metabolism and so on.

9, potassium metabolism disorders: high creatinine often accompanied by hyperkalemia or hypokalemia.

10, infection

Dialysis problem:

In patients with renal failure, creatinine is usually much higher than normal, dialysis can be considered when the creatinine number reaches 500, and creatinine 500 is the critical point for dialysis! However, not all patients require dialysis for creatinine up to 500, and creatinine 500 is suitable for most Human reference. Whether dialysis can be seen depends on the specific physical condition of the patient.

Some patients with liver muscle more than 500 patients can not tolerate, dialysis, but also some patients to more than a thousand creatinine dialysis, how much serum creatinine dialysis, is based on the patient's own set. Dialysis of creatinine works well, but patients need regular dialysis, a slight relaxation of creatinine will quickly rise, or even higher than the original, but long-term dialysis, the kidneys do not have to waste a long time, to complete necrosis, with With the gradual decline of renal function, dialysis will be more and more frequent, through to the end that uremia, dialysis only to continue the path of a kidney transplant.

Dietary principles of people with impaired renal function

1. Chronic renal failure suitable food to eat

(1) pay attention to ensure adequate heat and enough essential amino acids. Specific to each patient's protein intake should be based on its muscle scavenging rate of flexible grasp.

(2) adhere to high-quality low-protein diet, low phosphorus, low salt, high calorie; to avoid aggravating factors, suitable for cold temperature, avoid cold; avoid exogenous, infectious, diet section.

2. Chronic renal failure is not suitable for eating food

(1) a reasonable control of protein intake:

Refers to the patient's body to meet the basic requirements of the protein under the premise of minimizing protein intake, in order to minimize the burden on the kidneys. According to the study: the appropriate amount of protein intake per day of chronic renal failure patients per kilogram of body weight 0.5 to 0.6 grams. In general, half a catty of milk a day, 1 egg, 1 lean meat is necessary, high protein diet can make urea nitrogen, and protein intake can cause malnutrition, may also lead to elevated creatinine.

(2) pay attention to low-salt diet:

To maintain a low-salt diet, the salt itself does not damage the kidneys, but more salt, drinking water will be increased accordingly, increase blood volume, increase edema, hypertension and cardiac stress, which is not conducive to the disease, so edema, high blood pressure patients To low-salt diet, especially those who have edema, 3 grams per day is appropriate.

(3) Shensi high-potassium foods:

High potassium can inhibit heartbeat, severe cases can lead to cardiac arrest, mainly by food intake of potassium, excreted by the kidneys from the urine, renal dysfunction, excretion decreased, it will cause elevated serum potassium, so avoid eating high potassium foods. Such as: bananas, oranges, MSG, soy sauce, potatoes, mustard, mushrooms, fungus, seaweed, dates, lotus seeds, almonds, ham, scallops, shrimp and so on.

(4) avoid high purine foods:

Such as animal offal, seafood, spinach, mushrooms, etc., also avoid beer, which can reduce uric acid excretion.

(5) eat spicy spicy food:

Such as pepper, pepper, pepper, curry, garlic and other easy to "get angry" products, allspice, aniseed, toon, coriander and other "hair" because these foods can easily lead to high blood pressure, throat inflammation can also cause allergy.

(6) be careful with all kinds of health products:

Chronic renal failure is not the Chinese saying that "kidney deficiency" can not apply kidney-toning drugs to treat chronic renal failure. It is best to stay away from the wide variety of health products and supplements on the market.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



