
What is Nephritis?

Glomerulonephritis is actually a group of diseases with different etiology , and some etiology remains unclear , generally speaking , it may be related to heredity , infection , immunity , metabolism , tumor and so on .

1. Swelling
Eyelid , facial , lower limb , perineum and genital swelling can occur , light person only has weight gain ( recessive dropsy ), the person can be swollen all over the body , and even appear pleural effusion and abdominal cavity effusion .

2. Protein in urine
Glomerulonephritis , some proteins that are not filtered out of the kidneys can be filtered into the urine and protein in urine occurs . The main manifestation is the increase of foam in urine , and it does not disappear for a long time .

3. Tubular urine
The presence of both protein and tube types in the urine suggests glomerular lesions .
4. Hypertension
The kidney affects the circulating blood volume through the excretion of water and sodium salt ; At the same time produce renin , produce vasoconstriction , participate in regulating blood pressure . In glomerulonephritis , renal drainage and sodium salt capacity decreased , renin production increased , and hypertension occurred .

5. Anemia
The kidney can produce erythropoietin , kidney disease progression , renal function damage , the production of such hormones decreased anemia .

6. Renal insufficiency and uremia
Glomerular lesions progressed gradually and progressed to end-stage progressive processes , but not all patients with glomerulonephritis have some manifestations .

1. Basic principle
In order to prevent and delay the progress of kidney disease , improve the clinical symptoms and prevent complications .

2. Treatment plan
(1) Non drug therapy
Under the guidance of the doctor , proper rest exercise ,adjust the diet protein , sodium salt and potassium salt intake , pay attention to monitoring blood pressure , weight and urine volume .

(2) Drug therapy
Commonly used , such as hormones and immunosuppressants , other drugs , including blood pressure control drugs , diuretics and anti platelet aggregation drugs , anticoagulants , lipid-lowering drugs , Cordyceps preparations and so on . The drugs should be used under the guidance of doctors , according to the change of laboratory indexes , the side effects of drugs can be avoided or reduced .

(3) Factors to avoid aggravating kidney damage
Infection , low blood volume ( shock ) , dehydration ( vomiting or diarrhea , high fever ) , fatigue , water electrolyte and acid-base imbalance , pregnancy and the use of drugs that may cause kidney damage ( such as antipyretic analgesics , contrast agents , certain antibiotics and so on ) , it may aggravate kidney disease , and should be avoided or used under the guidance of doctors .

(4) Dialysis treatment
When necessary , according to the doctor’s judgment for treatment .
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



