
Nephritis and kidney failure difference between the two look at this 4:00

Nephritis and renal failure is certainly a different kidney disease, but certainly there are a lot of people do not know what is the difference between nephritis and renal failure, which is normal! Then let's take a look at the difference between nephritis and kidney failure.

Nephritis and renal failure

Kidney failure

1. Kidney failure can be divided into acute renal failure and chronic renal failure, acute renal failure disease progression is rapid, usually due to insufficient supply of renal blood flow, kidneys caused by a certain cause of damage caused by damage or poison damage caused by Acute renal failure. The main cause of chronic renal failure for long-term kidney disease, with the time and disease, the function of the kidney gradually decreased, resulting in the occurrence of renal failure.

2. End of renal failure is uremia, general creatinine began to rise refers to renal failure, when the creatinine was more than 700 hours, is uremia. The treatment of renal failure is to improve the barrier function of the glomerular filtration membrane, reduce urine protein, correct pathophysiological abnormalities, prevent or delay the process of renal fibrosis, protect kidney function. In general, kidney disease refers to nephrotic syndrome, the disease and glomerulonephritis is different, nephrotic syndrome is due to glomerular filtration membrane permeability increased, a large number of plasma protein caused by the loss of urine Levy, more common in children and adolescents, there is nephritis nephrotic syndrome, age of onset in school age, may have high blood pressure, hematuria, etc., no matter what kind of may lead to renal failure may be.


3. Nephritis is a group of glomerular diseases, different ways of onset, disease progression, slow progress of the disease, can be different degrees of renal dysfunction, and ultimately the development of chronic renal failure. If chronic glomerulonephritis is not effective treatment will develop into chronic renal failure, for the disease, it is the most common type of renal failure disease, it is a variety of chronic kidney disease developed to the late Of the renal function of some or all of the loss of pathological status.

4. Nephritis is a common kidney inflammation, with hematuria, proteinuria, edema, hypertension, renal dysfunction as the main clinical manifestations, the most common are acute nephritis and chronic nephritis. There are also occult nephritis. General acute nephritis in the course of a shorter, through the positive treatment of the prognosis is also better. The acute nephritis caused by chronic nephritis or chronic nephritis symptoms continue to non-regression of patients with longer duration, recurrent, poor prognosis, if not active treatment, the final majority will develop renal failure caused by uremia.

How to protect their own kidneys

1, do not eat too much salt

Men in the life will be reasonable to control their own salt intake, so as to timely prevention of some physical abnormalities. Salt, is to reduce the burden of kidney the main evil. 50% of the salt in the diet is metabolized by the kidneys, the intake is too much, the burden of the kidneys will be reduced, coupled with sodium salt in the body will lead to the human body is not easy to discharge, and further reduce the burden of the kidneys, which led to the Renal function diminished.

2, pay attention to the consumption of fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits in life is very important, you are the best in life is to eat some more. If suffering from chronic renal dysfunction, it should focus on appropriate consumption of fruits and vegetables, to avoid the impact on kidney formation. Do not drink too thick vegetable juice, hot pot soup, vegetable soup, diet to light is appropriate.

3, do not eat too much meat

Meat is also male to eat, but you should pay attention to their own diet in a reasonable diet. I believe we all know that eating too much meat is not only easy to get fat, but also susceptible to illness. So we usually do not eat too much time to live meat.

4, diet

Diet is necessary to add adequate nutrition, do not lead to their own diet partial eclipse of the situation. When you are tired, eat more iron, protein, such as fungus, jujube, black chicken and other indigestion drink yogurt, eat hawthornin Kidney Kidney to eat leek, sea cucumber, ginseng, black-bone chicken, pigeon and so on.

What is the difference between nephritis and renal failure How to distinguish between nephritis and renal failure How to protect your kidney

5, the lack of sleep

Sleep is also a man in the life to pay attention to the situation, you should be reasonable in your life to arrange their own sleep time. Short sleep is also the main guarantee to restore the essence of God, the task and then ease the family's bothering more, to the time of the sleep should also rest on time.

6, more water

Drinking water is also our life to pay attention to, to timely replenishment of the body of water. Drinking water can sponsor the body to metabolize the waste discharge, landing toxic substances in the kidney concentration, so as to avoid kidney damage. Especially fever patients, because of its slowdown in metabolism, waste and toxic substances will also increase the attack, so, more to drink more water to rush into the excretion of waste.

7, do not use drinks instead of boiling water

Drink is also a very important diet in life, and you have an appropriate diet in your life. In our lives, there are many drinks are containing caffeine. And caffeine for the kidney is hurt, so less and drinks, drink plenty of water.

8, the appropriate drink beer

In life, we should pay attention to drinking the diet, do not blindly eat. If you have been suffering from kidney disease, but also a small amount of drink beer, it will make uric acid deposition lead to renal tubular obstruction, the formation of kidney failure.

9, actively grasp the blood pressure

In the life will have to control their own blood pressure, so as to timely control their own health. Now, career task pressure is too large, leading to more and more young patients with hypertension, and high blood pressure can slow down the course of kidney disease, so people should pay close attention to changes in blood pressure and severe control of blood pressure.

10, prepared to prevent urinary tract contamination

To avoid some abnormal changes in their own body, in particular, should pay attention to guard against some male diseases. With the increase of age, the incidence of urinary tract infection will gradually increase, especially the elderly. This can be associated with the elderly kidney blood flow, kidney resistance decline. Men's benign prostatic hyperplasia is also easy to cause urinary tract contamination, it should be invented as soon as possible and actively treated. In addition, often urinary people should also be able to avoid the onset of urinary tract infection.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



