
What are the daily measures to prevent purpura nephritis?

Many people seem very good body, in fact, every day is hidden in a lot of diseases, purpuric nephritis is one of them, so be able to do a good job in prevention, then the prevention of purpura nephritis, what are the daily measures? Patients with purpuric nephritis Only need to use the right treatment, diet problems also need to be concerned about, some of the dietary principles to be able to grasp clearly.

1, purpura nephritis attention to rest, avoid fatigue, to avoid mood swings and mental stimulation. Prevent insect bites. Remove possible allergens.

2, in order to prevent recurrence, the patient should be cured after the consolidation of treatment for a course of treatment.

3, diet conditioning, purple purpuric nephritis to the main diet to be light, the staple food to rice, pasta corn-based; eat more fruits and vegetables do not eat Feigan smell, spicy products, to prevent gastrointestinal heat; Produce allergies and the incidence of food such as fish, shrimp, seafood and other absolute contraindications Qi should be gas to stop bleeding. Blood stasis can be used to promote blood stasis products.

4, keep warm, to prevent colds. Control and prevent infection, in a clear infection or infection when the use of sensitive antibiotics, but should avoid blindly prevent the use of antibiotics.

5, pay attention to diet, allergic purpura caused by allergens, should be fasting raw raw onions, raw garlic, pepper, alcohol and other spicy food; meat, seafood, should avoid contact with allergens such as pollen.

6, life conditioning, often participate in physical exercise to enhance physical fitness, prevention of cold; active removal of infected lesions to prevent upper respiratory tract infection; as much as possible to find allergens. Acute and bleeding for a long time should limit patient activity.

Prevention of purpuric nephritis what are the daily measures? Do a good job to prevent purpura nephritis measures do not necessarily do not suffer from purpura nephritis, and hope that people should be able to pay attention to the relevant symptoms in the body. Patients with purpura nephritis to eat nutrition and no burden, so adhere to a healthy diet for patients with purpura nephritis is very important.
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