
Renal failure

1. Acute renal failure
Usually due to insufficient renal blood supply ( such as trauma or burns ) , the kidney is impaired by some factors , or damaged by poison , which results in the occurrence of acute renal failure .

2. Chronic renal failure
Because of the long-term kidney disease , with the development of time and disease , the decline of renal function leads to the occurrence of renal failure .
1. Oliguria stage
In the most critical stage , the internal environment is seriously disordered . The patient may have oliguria and no urine , low specific gravity urine , high urine sodium , hematuria , proteinuria , tubular urine and so on . Severe patients may suffer from water intoxication , hyperkalemia , metabolic acidosis , and the risk of nitrogen and blood stasis and the patient’s life . The duration of this period lasts a few days to a few weeks , and the longer the prognosis , the worse the prognosis .

2. Polyuria stage
The urine volume gradually increased after oliguria , and reached the polyuria stage when the daily urine volume was more than 500ml . Since then , the urine volume multiplied daily , the maximum daily urine volume of 3000~6000ml , and even more than 10000ml . In the polyuria stage , the initial urine volume increased , but the renal clearance rate was still low , and the accumulation of metabolites in the body was still present . After 4~5 days , serum urea nitrogen and creatinine decreased gradually with the increase of urine volume , and the symptoms of uremia improved accordingly .

3. Convalescence
The urine volume gradually returned to normal , and the renal function recovered gradually after 3~12 months , most of the patients recovered to normal level , only a few patients became chronic renal failure .

1. Etiological treatment
The cause of renal failure , such as insufficient blood supply or loss of blood , the patient will be given the loss of body fluids and water ; If there is infection , further treatment should be done for infection .

2. Renal function
Because the kidney has lot its function , doctors will temporarily used dialysis treatment to assist in eliminating toxins and wastes in the body ; Patients with acute renal failure do not receive adequate treatment or are unable to control them , if the disease develops from acute to chronic renal failure , it may be uremia and must be dialysis for life .

3. Diet
Diet control , for patients with renal failure , because of renal damage , after eating into the body , the toxins and wastes produced by the food can not be excreted normally , therefore , the diet must pay special attention to avoid causing the burden of the body .

4. Renal transplantation
Some patients with end-stage renal failure need long-term dialysis treatment , renal transplantation can lead to better quality of life in patients with appropriate conditions . Kidney transplantation is the best way to treat renal failure at present , because the kidney transplanted into the patient can almost completely replace the failing renal function , let  the patient live a normal life .



