
Allergic purpura nephritis what to eat

(Such as meat, milk, eggs, soy products, vegetables, fruits) and some items (such as flowers, new clothes, new books, dust, chemicals), allergic to the disease, Etc.) can cause allergic reactions, thereby exacerbating the conditions. So how to have a scientific diet has become a topic of concern.

Allergic purpura nephritis refers to allergic purpura with necrotic vasculitis as the main pathological changes caused by systemic disease caused by renal damage. Allergic purpura nephritis clinical manifestations in addition to skin purpura, joint swelling and pain, abdominal pain, blood in the stool, the kidney mainly manifested as hematuria and proteinuria, some critically ill patients can cause impaired renal function. Kidney involvement occurs several days after the skin purpura several weeks to several weeks.

Allergic purpura in a medical disease, mostly in children, adolescents, it gives the patient's health caused great harm, and if there is no timely treatment, the patient may appear blisters, ulcers and local necrosis.

In general, people often eat, often contact with the material is not easy to cause allergies, such as vegetable diet is relatively safe, resulting in a small chance of allergies. Exogenous protein, especially animal protein foods can cause allergic purpura rich; In addition, some chemical substances, such as medicine, food additives, also easily lead to allergies.

Allergic purpura patients diet taboo

1, the diet should be light, staple food to rice, pasta corn-based; allergic purpura patients should be appropriate to eat more rich in protein and blood food to supplement the body needs. Allergic purpura diet mainly lean meat, eggs, animal liver, kidney, spinach, tomatoes, kelp, seaweed, edible fungus, jujube and beans and their products.

2, eat more fruits and vegetables.

3, Qi should be qi gas to stop bleeding. Blood stasis can be used to promote blood stasis products.

4, allergic purpura patients should eat high vitamin C food. Vitamin C has reduced capillary permeability and brittle effects, allergic purpura patients eat these foods help to recover. Rich in vitamin C foods are grapefruit, oranges, citrus, apples, lemons, strawberries, kiwi, tomatoes and a variety of green leafy vegetables, these are allergic purpura diet.

5, do not eat Feigan smell, spicy products, to prevent gastrointestinal fever.

6, have been allergic to the incidence of food such as fish, shrimp, seafood and other taboo.

7, not eat animal protein, such as seafood, beef and mutton, instant noodles (with preservatives).

Patients with Henoch-Schonlein purpura can be treated with the following methods:

Garlic: garlic, peanut, peanut soup 1oog. Will peanuts, garlic into casserole, stew cooked. Every other day, eat 4 to 6 days.

Radish mung bean drink: the radish seed 30g, green beans 100g. The first mung bean powder is spare. Radish child smashed, wrapped with cloth, put the pot of water 500 ml, cook for 20 minutes, go to radish, add green beans.

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