
These two reasons will induce kidney problems how to kidney and kidney care

Why is the kidney problem? Many of my friends on why the kidney function will feel puzzled, today Xiaobian to give you inventory 2 will induce the cause of kidney problems.

These two causes kidney problems
Drinking too little water

Usually drink too little will adversely affect the health of the kidneys, so we often give yourself to add water. Everyone in the usual should keep a day to drink eight glasses of water, so as to ensure that the body of toxins can be discharged in time. If you do not drink water for a long time, urine output will be reduced, the urine to carry the waste and toxin concentration will increase. Clinical common kidney stones, hydronephrosis and so long and do not drink water is closely related. Full drinking water can dilute the urine, protect the kidneys, is conducive to the full discharge of waste and toxins.

Overeating is very detrimental to human health, especially for the formation of healthy kidney damage. This bad eating habits are very detrimental to kidney health, some people in life like to eat like a war, not only eat the speed of fast and the amount of food is also great, which is induced by kidney disease is very large. Modern dinner opportunities increase, often eat too much "delicious", the intake of food will eventually produce waste - uric acid and urea nitrogen and so on. Most of these wastes through the kidneys, the diet will undoubtedly increase the burden of the kidney.

How to nourish kidney care in life
One, protect your feet
Foot warm is a way of raising kidney. This is because the kidney from the foot, and the foot is vulnerable to the invasion of cold. Therefore, the foot should pay special attention to warm, do not sleep when the feet are air conditioning or fan; not barefoot in the wet place long walk. In addition, the foot has many points, such as Yongquan points. "Kidney out of the Yongquan, Yongquan who is also enough." Every night before going to bed by rubbing the soles of the feet Yongquan, massage Yongquan can play the role of nourishing kidney essence.

Second, swallow money and kidney
Saliva in the mouth is divided into two parts: clear for the saliva, by the spleen of the main; thick for the saliva, by the kidney by the main. You can do an experiment, the mouth of a saliva it spit it out, less than a day, you will feel soft waist, physical fatigue. This in turn proves that swallowing fluid can nourish kidney essence, play the role of Paul kidney.

Third, the diet Bao Shen
There are a lot of food to kidney. In addition to black black sesame seeds, black fungus, black rice, black beans and other black food can raise the kidney, walnuts, leeks, shrimp, sheep waist, etc. can also play the role of kidney and kidney.

Fourth, drinking water and kidney
Water is the source of life. Lack of water, it may cause cloudy stagnation, increase the burden on the kidney. Therefore, regular drinking water is a very important method of raising kidney.

Five, do not have to urinate the urine
Urine stored in the bladder to a certain extent, it will stimulate the nerves, resulting in urinary reflex. At this time must be timely toilet, the toilet row clean. Otherwise, the accumulation of urine will become the water turbidity of the gas, against the kidneys. Therefore, when the urine will be timely discharge, but also one of the best way to raise the kidney.



