
How long can kidney disease syndrome work?

In the face of the disease, the body is extremely fragile, the emergence of nephrotic syndrome will cause a strong blow to the human body. Sometimes think of people's life, what is the short and how long it is long. This "disease" to a ah, they feel wasted a lot of good times, knowing the smell of it, and readily face and sick as an indispensable thing to look at life; do not understand the reason, and blindly Of the lament, so that the "disease" heavy weight, which is very inadequate. How long can kidney disease syndrome work in the end?

As the treatment of nephrotic syndrome repeated, always relapse, the condition has been increasing, but also the development of uremia trend! So there will be a lot of patients consult a doctor: nephrotic syndrome has been bad, according to this development Nephrotic syndrome can live for how long? There is no nephrotic syndrome, the best way to treat it.

In order to help the majority of patients with nephrotic syndrome to establish confidence in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome to help patients regain a healthy body, the national kidney disease diagnosis and rehabilitation base of the experts now do you know as follows:

Nephrotic syndrome can live long, depending on the severity of renal syndrome:
The beginning of the investigation was kidney, at this time the general condition is not serious, as long as the positive and effective treatment can be cured and no recurrence, but if the treatment is not appropriate, the clinical cure after the condition is still recurrence, recurrence, so look "Got the kidney can still live a few years" is hard to say, in summary, it is easy to see that the treatment of kidney is the most critical point is not cured after the cure.

Nephrotic syndrome can live long, depending on the pathological type of nephrotic syndrome.
Nephrotic syndrome, pathology type more, mainly diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis, minimal pathological glomerulonephritis, diffuse membranous hyperplastic glomerulonephritis, lesion characteristics are different prognosis is also different. Such as small lesions of glomerulonephritis is a common primary glomerulonephritis, also known as lipid nephropathy. The use of hormones with traditional Chinese medicine treatment, the method is appropriate, the prognosis is good; diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis occurs in young people, clinical chronic, late 50 to 70% of patients died within 10 years, poor prognosis; diffuse Membranous proliferative glomerulonephritis, the general prognosis is better.

Nephrotic syndrome can live for how long, how to rule it without recurrence
For the time being, many hospitals, especially the general hospital, the treatment of nephrotic syndrome is more favored by hormones, from the latest pathology, nephrotic syndrome is a group of inflammatory response in the kidney caused by damage to cells in a series of clinical syndrome , The conventional treatment of the disease of the hormone can only play the role of anti-inflammatory, the inflammatory response in a short time to control, to prevent the kidneys inherent cells continue to be damaged, hormone-sensitive patients will be in a few days or months to achieve urinary protein Turn negative But this good state once the hormone runs out, it will be destroyed, or when susceptible factors, the condition will be repeated, is a palliative approach.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



