
What are the common causes of renal edema?

Kidney edema is caused by a symptom of kidney disease, specifically what causes renal edema it?
For renal edema is not necessary to fear, first of all to understand the reasons for which there are, good treatment and health care work, I believe that renal edema can quickly subsided. So what causes the occurrence of renal edema, and how to prevent it?

Common causes of renal edema
1, glomerular filtration rate decreased, water and sodium retention.
2, increased systemic capillary permeability, so that the liquid easily from the blood vessels into the tissue gap.
3, plasma protein levels decreased, especially albumin levels decreased, causing plasma colloid osmotic pressure decreased, easy to move the water to the tissue gap.
4, effective blood volume reduction, leading to increased secondary aldosterone, increased water and sodium retention.

Treatment of renal edema
1, limit the intake of sodium: nephritis or nephrotic edema have sodium and water retention, must limit the intake of sodium, but appropriate, long-term inhibition of sodium can cause hyponatremia.
2, diuretic: if necessary, while limiting sodium at the same time cast diuretics, can promote the discharge of sodium and ease edema, and can relieve hypertension and reduce heart load.
3, control proteinuria: nephrotic edema must control proteinuria, available immunosuppressive drugs (dexamethasone, prednisone, etc.) to restore the normal permeability of glomeruli.
4, add plasma protein.

What does kidney edema eat?

1, eat cucumber can also eliminate the edema caused by kidney disease, the practice is to eat cucumber when the cucumber skin together to eat, if you want to better then even the cucumber vines, Guadi cook together to drink water, but the stomach cold Easy to eat cucumber.

2, eat potatoes can also eliminate the edema caused by kidney disease, which is due to potatoes due to nutrient-rich, also known as "long in the soil of the apple", it is rich in inorganic salt, and inorganic salt potassium content is High potassium can not only help the body to discharge too much salt and stay in the body of sodium, but also to promote the body to discharge excess water.

3, should eat red beans, which is due to red beans in addition to rich potassium also contains diuretic saponins, so red beans because of renal failure caused by edema has a very good effect.

4, should eat more watermelon, which should be watermelon contains a called citrulline, there is a very good diuretic effect, and citrulline is also one of the treatment of kidney disease drug ingredients, eat more watermelon because Heart disease, high blood pressure caused by edema. Renal insufficiency patients are not recommended to eat.



