
Self-diagnosis to take medicine to eat kidney failure

March 11 is the 5th World Kidney Day. Yesterday, the reporter learned from Xinqiao Hospital Department of Nephrology, in addition to diabetes, high blood pressure and other diseases caused by chronic kidney damage, drug abuse caused by kidney patients increased the trend of the crowd. Experts advise: do not self-diagnosis of the disease, medication counselor or consult a doctor is necessary.

Who lives in Chongqing Youyang Langping Zhu Hua, a month ago because the cough to eat the drug did not improve, that is the previous tuberculosis committed, on their own to the pharmacy to buy anti-tuberculosis medicine to eat, eat three days on the emergence of anuria , To the Xinqiao Hospital Department of Nephrology a check, he was taking the anti-tuberculosis drug rifampicin caused by acute kidney injury, and finally only by dialysis to maintain life.

Third Military Medical University, Xinqiao Hospital, Department of Renal Surgery Professor Yuan Feahuan introduction, clinical often seen by taking drugs caused by acute renal failure cases, about 20 cases per year, including long-term use of painkillers, eat stomach medicine. He reminded the public, do not self-diagnosis of the disease on the drug, medication carefully read the instructions, especially the indications, adverse reactions, contraindications and other content, which is very necessary, the best medication before consulting the pharmacist or consult a doctor.

It is reported that this year the theme of the World Kidney Disease is "to control diabetes, protect the kidneys." Diabetes and kidney disease are closely related, and interaction, mutual influence. In recent years, with the prolongation of human life expectancy, living habits and structure changes, the prevalence of diabetes is increasing linearly. According to the statistics of the relevant departments, at present, China is currently about 50 million people are facing the threat of diabetes. Type I diabetes, the higher proportion of diabetic nephropathy, about 35% -50%, Ⅱ type incidence of about 20%. However, due to diabetes, patients with type Ⅱ disease incidence far more than type Ⅰ, so in diabetic patients with renal failure dialysis patients accounted for 70% -80%.

In the face of such a high incidence, Professor Yuan Feahuan very worried, he said, although the medicine is now well developed, through a variety of treatment to reduce the damage caused by people with diabetic nephropathy, but early prevention, early control is really reduce the harm The key factor. Diabetes is the prevention of preventive measures, control of blood sugar and blood pressure, smoking cessation, diet adjustment, life and so on.

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