
Kidney stones can not eat food

Got kidney stones we are all for the kidney stones can not eat food and headache. Kidney stone disease is a relatively high incidence of a urinary stone disease. The pain when the disease is unbearable. Affecting our lives and work. What can the kidney stones eat? Let's take a closer look.

Kidney stones can not eat food
Eat foods rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A is necessary to maintain the health of the urethral endometrium, it also helps to prevent the recurrence of stones. Healthy adults, one day to take 5,000 units (Iu) of vitamin A.
Excessive vitamin D may cause the body to accumulate calcium. The daily intake of vitamin D in patients with kidney stones is best not to exceed the RI of 400IU.
Kidney stones are calcium salt stones, so patients should limit calcium intake. Less than 500 mg per day. High calcium foods such as milk, beans, shrimp, etc., should be appropriate to eat, or try to eat during the treatment as much as possible.

Method / step
Limited intake of carbohydrates, high-sugar food intake, can increase the chance of suffering from kidney stones, therefore, pay attention to eat less sweets.

Kidney stones can not eat foods containing large amounts of oxalic acid, such as beets, green peppers, parsley, spinach and other green vegetables, lychee, longan, mango, durian and wood pineapple, grapes and other fruits. Because most of the kidney stones are calcium oxalate stones, so to limit the intake of oxalic acid.

Kidney stones can not eat more meat and some fish, such as rooster, beef, lamb, dog meat, pig's feet, donkey meat, turtle meat, and animal offal and so on. These foods are rich in animal protein, it is easy to produce stones. Therefore, patients with kidney stones must control the intake of food like food. At the same time all the fish, shrimp, crab and other seafood animals absolutely can not stick.

Beans such as soybeans, including soybeans, big green beans and black beans are rich in protein, the formation of kidney stones have a great help, it can not be a lot of food.

Kidney stones patients should not drink milk before going to sleep, because the milk contains more calcium, most of the kidney stones contain calcium salt. The most dangerous factor in the formation of stones is the sudden increase in calcium concentration in urine for a short time.
Kidney stones can not eat food

Love tea friends v. Everyone after dinner drink 15 grams of tea brewing tea, will be absorbed in the amount of food reduced by about half. Because the actual concentration of tea, the higher the harm to our body will be more likely to produce kidney stones may also be higher. So when we drink tea, we must be restrained. If some people drink tea like smoking can not quit, it should drink less, soak a little on the line, just remember not to drink tea in the fasting time.

Moderate exercise can promote the swing of organs in the body to promote the discharge of small stones, but different parts of the stones, exercise methods are also different. The general kidney stones, in the row of stone, the doctor will ask the patient to do vertical jump up and down movement, help the stone discharge; and for the kidneys of the stones, the patient should be inverted movement is appropriate, so that stones up movement, gradually Move out of the kidney.

Drink more water. Some patients prefer to drink instead of water, although they are liquid, but coffee, black tea, grape juice, apple juice and cola contains some of the chemical composition will promote the growth of stones, it is not recommended too much drinking, This can replace water to supplement the body's demand for liquids.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



