
How to treat kidney disease?

The key of treating kidney disease is clear toxin in blood. Other treatments are hard to work.
Because only remove all kinds of toxins, blood cell oxidative stress response can be suppressed, but inhibited oxidative stress status, cells don't abnormal secretion of protein and harmful factors;Only in the blood of these abnormal proteins are cleared and harmful factors, blood immune reaction stops, antigen-antibody complexes and complement will not produce;Toxins in the blood, damage to the kidney inherent cells stimulus disappeared, viscera damage might stop, viscera damage stopped, kidney gradually healing is the foundation.
Current problem is: the medical profession has not yet found the drugs and methods to effectively remove blood toxin. It still uses the traditional drugs and methods, or extends the traditional treatment of obsolete specification. Sometimes the diagnosis is not clear. This kind of phenomenon can bring patients with painful losses.

The features of the treatment of our hospital.
Hospital treatment, we use general words: "detoxification therapy".Also it is called "remove blood toxin therapy".
The biggest characteristic of the therapy is through the use of traditional Chinese medicine to clear toxins by defecating and urinate and skin sweat glands for kidney patients healing and other drug application to create a good environment and conditions.
We are able to find the way to clean up the toxin of body. Our hospital has dozens of experts and rich experiences and theory of TCM comprehensive research experiment was carried out, and classic formula of TCM, the basis for repeated deliberation, then through the hospital expert group for many years, repeatedly to achieve at the end of 2014 the fully mature technology.

The core of the treatment technology still huayu thoughts based on TCM, and the clever union kidney induced by drugs, truly effectively remove the kidney organ inflammation.
Of the therapy in the treatment of chronic kidney disease has a definite effect, especially for eliminating edema and refractory refractory proteinuria has a unique effect.Not only can let the stubborn sex edema, can also let the refractory proteinuria.The application of this therapy, let countless patients received a rebirth, and attracted a large number of foreign patients to the hospital for treatment.

Many advanced equipments and instruments in our hospital with function below: test for redox state index (SOD) , immune status index (lymphocyte subpopulation,immune ten,vD ), toxins index (blood fat, blood glucose, serum creatinine, uric acid , blood urea, inflammatory factor blood coagulation level etc)
a.Unique therapy for kidney disease : combination of Chinese medicine and Western medicine with Chinese medicine being given priority to .
b. 4and7 natural therapy is applied to remove toxins in the blood , repair the function of renal cell and improve renal function.
4&7 refers to ”Four One” TCM +”Seven” TCM
 Four “one” is
An oral Chinese medicine
A bottle of Maikang mixture
A dose of external application with Chinese medicine
A basin of foot bath medicine
c. explanations to the condition
d. Patient-oriented service pattern
Each patient with a doctor , a nurse, and an interpreter

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



