
note! Male exercise before decompression

note! Male exercise before decompression
A lot of white-collar men's weekend will go to the gym exercise, in addition to exercise the body, the biggest purpose is estimated to be decompression. But recently, some experts pointed out that do not take fitness as a way of decompression, exercise between the first to give their own reduced pressure.

One of the goals of fitness is to ease the pressure, however, according to the latest reports of the US media, the pace of modern life to speed up the surge in occupational stress, due to hurry, with work stress and exercise too hasty and other factors , Sometimes exercise not only can not play the role of decompression, but counterproductive, leading to fitness or fitness process before the spirit of tension, people more pressure.

One, exhausted to exercise
Think of this scene: work hard in the office for a day, after work you drove quickly to the gym, coincides with the traffic peak, stop all the way to the stadium have to be busy looking for parking place, and then, one Threw into the gym, but found that your favorite fitness machine has been used. And no car you tolerate the bus or subway by the inconvenience, rushed to the fitness ground. These are enough to make your mood irritable.

Second, no longer fitness as leisure
A fitness coach Colbo said that due to time constraints and the surrounding environment, the original concept of fitness as a leisure has changed. He said: "The current society is not allowed, if you stay in the stadium for an hour, maybe you will miss an important phone, or miss something else ... ... the original fitness is an important way to reduce stress, A lot of pressure.
Modern society is surrounded by more and more people, many Americans in the exercise can not help but worry about war, terrorist threats, fear of losing their jobs or worry about failing to complete the task assigned to their superiors. Harvard University professor of medicine Herbert Benson said that the mother of a modern professional women were working on weekdays, children, family trivial battered, in the gym or can not escape these, still have to be phone and e-mail, etc. Repeated bombing.

Third, go to the gym first to relax
A medical expert suggested that if the gym is too noisy or frequent traffic on the road traffic jam, you can consider changing the fitness time or even change a gymnasium. However, the expert still suggested that exercise is still one of the best way to decompression, regardless of whether the pressure to reach the gym, should try to exercise down, slowly the pressure will ease.
There are some people in the fitness to quickly achieve fitness results, but the mood can not calm. Another fitness who claims that can not complete other people can complete the fitness action, make yourself feel embarrassed, feel the pressure surge.

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