
Accidentally late at night? Good habits can solve the sleep problem

Every day to learn, work, wash finished ten o'clock finally lying on the bed, play the phone, chase the drama, brush friends circle ... ... unaware of the morning one or two points. The result is that every other day with great dark circles, languid to go to class / class.

Want to completely solve the long-term sleep problems, and ultimately rely on good sleep habits. And set up a sleep agreement with their own, every night around nine o'clock soak a bath soothing, put on comfortable pajamas, bedroom dimming light, refused to coffee and so will interfere with sleep food ... ... followed by PCLADY edit specific to understand how To create a comfortable sleep environment.

1. Put on comfortable pajamas
Take a bath every night, put your favorite comfortable pajamas, can help the body to establish night routines, so that the brain faster into sleep mode.

2. Darken the light
When the environment becomes darker, the body begins to release melatonin, and the chemical reaches its peak at 2-3 o'clock, making people sleep from sleepiness into sleep mode. It is worth mentioning that any type of light (mobile phones, iPad, etc.) will interfere with the secretion of melatonin, resulting in delayed sleep time and sleep quality is low. Therefore, it is best to start at least one hour before going to sleep to adjust the bedroom lights.

3. Reject "doping"
At night to eat greasy or spicy food, in the sleep process will make the body's digestive system "overtime". This is why one advocates "dinner eat less" one of the reasons. In addition, any high caffeine and nicotine-containing food will interfere with the human body as a stimulant. Therefore, within four hours before going to bed, it is best not to eat these foods. In addition, some people think that before going to bed intake of alcohol can relax and promote sleep. But in the long run, this will only make your sleep quality lower.

4. Reduce noise
High-intensity sounds can cause a slight awakening (awake period during sleep), resulting in poor quality of sleep. For example, strong traffic noise caused by the increase in the level of cortisol, resulting in poor sleep, most people buy a house is not elected by roadside apartment is the reason. In addition, reading books at night or listening to music before going to bed is also vital. Listen to soothing light music or symphony, see some prose works and so are a good choice.

Little puzzles: whether to take a nap?
Travel in the car to take a nap, a short break after work, is a habit of most people. The study shows that sleep is best in a continuous period of time, some friends are confused, so it seems that daytime nap time should be longer? The actual situation is that the daytime nap time is too long, will eventually hinder the night sleep quality. The results of this study should be for the night of sleep. Therefore, in order to ensure that the afternoon to work or play better, nap time is best controlled in twenty or thirty minutes or so.

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