
5 minutes after exercise drink the best coffee carbonated drinks should not drink

Now more and more people are aware of the importance of fitness, so they will actively exercise the body. But because of the movement of the process will drain a lot of water, so we drink after the drink. What drinks are not suitable for drinking after exercise?

5 minutes after exercise to drink the best water
Exercise can be divided into three categories, aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise and stretching exercises, anaerobic exercise is not recommended often do, even if the coach should also be carried out under the guidance of how to distinguish between these two sports? Simple, and now people are very fond of pets, dogs are common, that often go out to walk the dog is also a good aerobic exercise, but if a mad dog chase when the human movement becomes an oxygen movement. Many athletes are doing anaerobic exercise, so athletes must have a coach.

Exercise is a good thing, but the movement will consume a lot of heat, energy and water, people exercise the most obvious feeling is thirsty, it is because the movement of body fluids are water, sweating lead to evaporation of water, this time people urgent Hope to drink immediately, but we can not immediately drink water at this time, otherwise it will cause harm to health, that after exercise how long is the best drink?

Research shows that: if the amount of exercise in the case can not immediately add water, such as walking, stretching exercises, thirsty can drink water, you can drink water after 5 minutes, but do not drink too much time to 100ml About right And preferably at least 10 minutes apart from each other.

For the strenuous exercise is not appropriate to immediately add water, such as running, playing, swimming, etc., do not immediately drink water, especially ice water, dangerous, up to only mouthwash or swallowed no more than 50ml of water, important Is to do rest exercise, so that slow down the heartbeat, so that the body from the state of motion, when the carotid artery pulse rate to 120 times / min or less, you can also touch their own pulse, this time to add water, and still have to control Intake of water, is still 100ml a time is appropriate, and every two times at least 10 minutes apart.

After exercise can drink three kinds of water
1, boiled water: the best choice for this water, you can quickly add the body of the lack of water.

2, alkaline drinks optional: exercise not only fatigue can cause the accumulation of acidic metabolites, therefore, after exercise may be appropriate to add some sugar content below 5% and potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and other inorganic salts of alkaline Drink. To ease fatigue is very helpful.

3, vegetable juice: vegetable juice is rich in nutrients needed by the human body, and the heat of vegetable juice is very low, for people who want to lose weight through exercise after exercise drink vegetable juice, can also add nutrition can also achieve the purpose of weight loss.

5 kinds of drinks should not drink
Carbonated Beverages: Many people like to exercise a cup of iced carbonated drinks after exercise, enjoy the kind of excitement. But to know that the carbonated beverage entrance will produce a lot of bubbles, although in a short time to meet the thirst, but the body's real thirsty satisfaction is far from being resolved, which is why many people drink carbonated drinks will drink more thirsty. And carbon dioxide in the carbon dioxide gas is easy to make the stomach full sense of saturation. After vigorous exercise drink carbonated drinks, easily lead to stomach cramps, vomiting and other digestive disorders.

Coffee: summer people easily drowsy, and coffee is refreshing good helper, and occasionally drink coffee healthy, but after exercise drink will have a great harm to the body! Coffee contains caffeine and the body of free calcium Combined, and with the urine. Free calcium reduction will inevitably lead to the decomposition of calcium, resulting in osteoporosis. Drinking coffee not only affects appetite, but also may cause vomiting and cramps, may also appear gastritis and thick greasy tongue coating, which will make the body feel tired and weak.

Fresh fruit juice: we may think that fresh fruit juice is not marked with sugar and other additives, the health will not be too bad, but in fact drink fresh fruit juice intake of fiber than the direct consumption of fruit is much less, Squeezed fresh fruit juice is very good drink, but does not mean that fresh fruit juice can be used as a supplement to the movement of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional methods, at most can only occasionally drink. Moreover, the sugar contained in the fruit called "fructose", fructose is more than sugar is also easier to change into fat material, absorbed by the body makes it easier to gain weight.

Fruit Smoothie: Smoothie is a lot of people in the summer like a drink, but we can not be fruit smoothies that "pseudo-health" mask deceived. As the fruit smoothies contain quite high sugar, every 32 ounces of smoothies contain 700 calories, equivalent to eating a pineapple, a mango and a lot of strawberries. If the food can not be consumed in a timely manner, then the energy of these foods will be converted into fat and lead to fat. Therefore, choose to drink fruit smoothies when you have to carefully consider the.

Pure water, natural water, mineral water: Many people will think that summer sports finished drinking pure water, natural water and the like, and will not get fat, and quench their thirst. But in fact, because of the high temperature lead to our body will be a lot of sweating, exercise drink these drinks although the surface is to pay for the human body, but because they do not contain electrolyte or very little, after drinking into the body and can not promote water into the cells For hydration, but will make perspiration intensified, the loss of more water, which is why sometimes we will have a kind of movement, "the more thirsty drink water," the feeling. With the increase in perspiration, the electrolyte will be further lost, thus affecting the normal function of nerves and muscles, and even cramps, confusion, dehydration and other symptoms.

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