
Chronic nephritis treatment has the five top tips for chronic nephritis health

What are the treatment of chronic nephritis? Chronic nephritis can be caused by a variety of diseases caused by glomerular damage and after a few years after the occurrence of renal dysfunction in a disease. It is those who are chronic through the nephritis collectively. To see the principles of treatment of chronic nephritis it.

1. Adaptation mentality:
So emotional stability, because excessive hi, anger, sadness, will make mood swings, may cause subtle changes in kidney disease. The disease should learn to control emotions, to avoid illness after the impatient, pessimistic and other negative emotional effects, to maintain a calm and optimistic attitude, and actively cooperate with a variety of treatment.

2. Scientific diet:
Due to the particularity of kidney disease, should be under the guidance of a doctor to develop scientific recipes, diet protein should be moderate, too much protein intake will increase the burden on the kidney, the use of renal dysfunction or deterioration, but too little may lead to nutrition Poor and hypoproteinemia. Usually the daily intake of protein to 0.5 grams per kilogram of body weight is appropriate. Of patients with renal insufficiency, salt is not more than 6 grams as well, unless there is severe heart failure, swelling and high blood pressure, or quit salt on the patient. Eat more foods rich in cellulose, smooth the stool, the row of mutual benefit. In addition patients to quit smoking, Ji Jiu.

3. pay attention to cold:
Winter cold stimulation will make blood vessels contraction, blood pressure, if the waist after the cold blood flow reduction, so that renal function, especially cold, will increase the condition, or even serious complications. Therefore, patients should be based on seasonal changes, timely increase or decrease the clothes, keep hands, feet and skin clean, dry, try to avoid colds and skin infections, damage and so on.

4. Full rest:
As the saying goes, "three rule, seven support" to ensure adequate sleep and rest, according to the severity of the disease, under the guidance of a doctor, for some recreational activities, the recovery of kidney disease is very useful.

5. Active treatment:
Under the guidance of a doctor, it is an effective method to carry out reasonable treatment. The medicine of the motherland is unique to the prevention and treatment of nephropathy. In addition, patients should also actively treat chronic pharyngitis, sinusitis, dental diseases and skin, urinary tract infection and other hidden dangers, so that the disease comprehensive and effective control.

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