
These characteristics prove your kidney

Kidney is like the body of the "water purifier", every day to filter and clean 200 liters of blood, the useful things to stay in the blood, so that metabolic waste excreted. At the same time, the kidney is also known as the "factory", which produces a lot of hormones associated with human endocrine, metabolic, help regulate blood pressure, maintain bone function, generate red blood cells. Do not look kidney function is powerful, but it is a fragile organ. The survey shows that the incidence of chronic kidney disease in China increased year by year, every city in the city there is an example, so we should always pay attention to kidney health, pay attention to it issued a "maintenance" signal.

Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is innate, is the possession of the dirty, in charge of human growth and development, reproductive reproduction and other physiological functions, scope and meaning is relatively wide, we often hear the "kidney" belongs to the concept of traditional Chinese medicine. Western medicine kidney concept is located on both sides of the spine, a pair of beans, fist-sized organs. Because the concept is different, the standard of kidney health is also different.

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the following five criteria can explain your kidneys fairly healthy
Listening is clear. Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Xiyuan Hospital Geriatrics Center Professor Li Yuehua pointed out that in traditional Chinese medicine theory, the ear's auditory function and the kidney is closely related to the ups and downs, kidney good hearing like. On the contrary, when there tinnitus, upset, hearing loss symptoms, you can consider the kidney yin deficiency.

Skin glamorous. Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Xiyuan Hospital, Professor Yang Li told reporters that the kidney is good, in order to youth resident, anti-aging. Kidney is not good, people tend to look old, the skin will become dull, skin color will change, black eyes, bags under the eyes.

Black hair. Kidney essence, its hair in the hair, hair from the blood, but its vitality is still the kidney, kidney is not good, hair will be early white, loss of luster, and hair loss.

Bones are strong. Chinese medicine, kidney bone, bone by kidney essence nourishing, good kidney good bone. Renal decay will appear osteoporosis, back pain, and even teeth appear loose.

Good memory. Kidney essence also raised the brain. So the kidney may often appear often forget things, slow response and so on.
How does Western medicine determine whether the kidneys are healthy

Urine clear foam less, if the urine bubble suddenly become more, do not disappear for a long time, indicating that the excretion of urine more protein; if the urine color is abnormal, was thick brown, soy sauce or turbidity such as Taomi Shui, should Cause attention. In addition, there can not hold urine, the symptoms of urinary pain should also be timely treatment.

Get up early without swollen body. Kidney is the body's metabolism of water organs, kidney is not good, water will accumulate. Capital Medical University Xuanwu Hospital, deputy director of kidney physician Fu Wenjing reminded, if often early eyelid edema, or feet, legs, edema, should consider the kidney problem.

Full of spirit. When the renal function problems, the body of waste residue is difficult to excrete from the urine, there will be lack of energy, fatigue, boring feeling.

Normal blood pressure. Impaired renal function will appear symptoms of elevated blood pressure, and hypertension will increase kidney damage. "Hypertension in patients with nocturia increased, diabetes, urine protein or lower limb edema problems, indicating that the kidneys have been damaged." Fu Wenjing said that the normal occasional fatigue, do not worry, adjust the sleep may be improved, But if the symptoms last for at least a week, be sure to go to the hospital for examination.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



