
What is the cause of proteinuria

Proteinuria, ye is a rather unfamiliar medical terms, but with the past few years the incidence of kidney disease increased, the word protein is also gradually known to the public. So what is proteinuria? Why is the situation of proteinuria, what is the reason for its production?

      Under normal circumstances, because of our role in the reabsorption of the kidneys, healthy people in the urine of the protein content is very small, the calculation in milligrams, the naked eye is also unable to observe the amount of protein in the urine , Must be through a special test paper or a special instrument to measure. When the urine protein content of more than 150 mg / day, you can determine the proteinuria, and higher than 3500 mg / day is called a large number of proteinuria, at this time the naked eye can see a large number of urine milky white foam Is more precipitation.

      The reason for the emergence of proteinuria is more, but generally divided into two types of physiological and pathological.
      Physiological proteinuria occurs mainly after strenuous exercise, especially for a long time in the cold environment, intense exercise. Recently eat a lot of high protein foods can also cause physiological proteinuria. This situation generally does not require special treatment, only need to rest, drink plenty of water, a few days later, the situation of proteinuria will naturally change.

       For some sudden emergence of proteinuria, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital for renal function tests. To determine the pathogenic urine protein and then according to the disease for the corresponding treatment. In general, the cause of pathogenic urinary protein is nothing more than the following:

       1. Glomerular increase in protein leakage
       Kidney reabsorption of protein mainly rely on glomerular, glomerular is a ball-like "capillary network", by the endothelial cells, basement membrane and epithelial cells, collectively referred to as glomerular filtration membrane. When the glomerular filtration membrane damage or regulatory dysfunction, the protein will filter from the membrane "escape" out, causing urinary protein phenomenon.

       Acute glomerulonephritis
       Acute glomerulonephritis more common in children, the incidence of boys than girls, usually caused by streptococcal infection, viruses or other parasitic infections are also seen, the main feature is the onset of acute, patients with hematuria, proteinuria Edema and so on.

      3. Urinary tract infection
      Urinary system infection is also an important cause of pathological proteinuria. More common in women. Among them, cystitis is the most common symptoms, mainly for urinary tract irritation, including urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, white blood cell urine, proteinuria, occasional hematuria, low back pain, low fever

       Proteinuria is sometimes affected by other factors. Recommended to the hospital for regular inspection and treatment, must not use their own drugs.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



