
Which is iga kidney disease early symptoms

IgA nephropathy, also known as Berger disease, iga nephropathy refers to the glomerular mesangial area to IgA or IgA deposition mainly with or without other immunoglobulin in the glomerular mesangial deposition of primary glomerular disease , IGA kidney disease to eat what medicine, life iga kidney disease is not very common, but iga kidney disease in the event of a threat to life, life is valuable, in order to avoid the occurrence of nephropathy is not clear clinical symptoms, according to clinical symptoms of early check The condition of the disease.

Method / procedure for IgA nephropathy

1, common manifestations of asymptomatic hematuria and / or proteinuria, accounting for about 30% to 40% of the total. Of which 20% to 25% of the cases can occur in the course of one or several times the naked eye hematuria.

2, the onset of nausea hematuria: it is usually in the upper respiratory tract infection (tonsillitis, etc.), acute gastroenteritis, osteomyelitis, peritonitis, herpes zoster and other infections, even after vaccination or severe exercise appears. The most common is the interval with the upper respiratory tract infection is very short time (24 to 72 hours, even short to several hours) after the emergence of gross hematuria, it was called pharyngitis synchronous hematuria. Nausea hematuria lasts several hours to several days, usually less than 3 days. Nausea and hematuria have recurrent characteristics.

3, microscopic hematuria with / without the performance of proteinuria: mostly in the students had screening and join the army, before marriage and other routine health check found, and then confirmed for renal biopsy. For children and young people with IgA nephropathy were the main clinical manifestations.

4, proteinuria: IgA nephropathy in patients with mild proteinuria, 24-hour urine protein quantitative <1g. A small number of patients (10% to 24%) a large number of proteinuria and even nephrotic syndrome.

5, rapid progressive nephritis syndrome: not common. Patients with persistent macroscopic hematuria, a large number of proteinuria. Renal function in a short period of time worsening, may have edema and mild to moderate hypertension.

Which is iga nephropathy early symptoms iga nephropathy early symptoms which iga kidney disease which performance

Six clinical manifestations of IgA nephropathy

One, edema
Clinically, some patients with IgA nephropathy will appear physical swelling phenomenon. In addition, accompanied by physical swelling, may also be accompanied by reduced urine output, frequent urination (especially at night) and other symptoms. IgA nephropathy swollen more performance for the hand, foot and ankle swelling, swelling around the eyes. When IgA nephropathy patients with renal failure, there may be short breath and so on.

Second, high blood pressure
Part of IgA nephropathy in patients with declining renal function at the same time, clinical IgA nephropathy What are the symptoms of nephropathy, IgA nephropathy at this time patients with elevated blood pressure. Symptoms of hypertensive symptoms are not a good thing for patients with IgA nephropathy. Due to high blood pressure may accelerate the progression of IgA nephropathy in patients with renal progression rate, quickly to the disease stage to uremic stage. Therefore, patients with IgA nephropathy in the control of nephropathy at the same time, the need for good control of blood pressure to ensure that the kidneys in a relatively stable environment.

Third, proteinuria
IgA nephrotic symptoms of the most common manifestations of mild proteinuria, urine protein quantitative generally <1g / 24h, a small number of patients may be a large number of proteinuria and even nephrotic syndrome.

Which is iga nephropathy early symptoms iga nephropathy early symptoms which iga kidney disease
which performance

Four anemia
IgA nephropathy patients due to kidney damage, the body can not produce red blood cells needed to produce enough hormones, resulting in anemia. And anemia IgA nephropathy patients often feel cold and tired.

Five, physical discomfort
Due to progressive decline in renal function in patients with IgA nephropathy, resulting in a large number of toxins and metabolic wastes produced by the body in the body continue to accumulate, the patient may feel at first discomfort, such as nausea, vomiting, no sleep at night, no appetite, itching And fatigue and a series of symptoms.

Six, the onset of naked eye hematuria
More common in children. Its gross hematuria in the upper respiratory tract infection (tonsillitis, etc.) occurred, there are some in the acute gastroenteritis or urinary tract infection after the attack, the interval more than 24 to 72 hours. Nausea hematuria can be sustained for several hours to several days, and then to a continuous microscopic hematuria, some patients can disappear, but often attack, the onset of reproduction of the naked eye hematuria, may be associated with mild systemic symptoms, such as muscle soreness, Lumbar pain, or transient blood pressure and elevated blood urea nitrogen

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