
Six bad habits endanger your kidneys

Living habits will have a certain impact on our health. There must be certain that bad habits will bring us great damage to the kidneys. What are the bad habits that harm the kidneys? Let's take a look at it.

Dangerous kidneys of six bad habits

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In recent years, the clinical found that long-term high-dose take anti-self, Magnolia, Aoki, angel vine, Guanmutong and other Chinese herbal medicine, and long-term or high-dose taking pain tablets, indomethacin, paracetamol, aspirin and other Western medicine can cause kidney damage.

2, drink drink tea
Some people think that drinking wine can drink wine, in fact, this is not only can not hang the wine will hurt the kidney. Tea theophylline can quickly affect the kidneys and play a diuretic effect, this time the alcohol has not yet re-decomposition from the kidneys, so that the kidney by a lot of ethanol stimulation, and thus damage the kidney function.

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The body through their own regulation to maintain acid-base balance, soft drinks and sports drinks are generally highly acidic, after drinking the body pH changes significantly. The kidney is the main body to regulate the body's pH, long-term excessive intake of soft drinks and sports drinks, will bring a burden to the kidney, increasing the probability of kidney damage.

4, eating too salty
Diet salty, especially some snack salt content is too high, people will unknowingly absorb excessive salt, leading to increased blood pressure, kidney blood can not maintain normal flow, and thus induce kidney disease.

5, drinking too little
Such as a long time do not drink water, urine output will be reduced, the urine to carry the waste and toxin concentration will increase. Clinical common kidney stones, urinary tract infections and so long and do not drink water is closely related. Full drinking water can dilute the urine, protect the kidneys, is conducive to the full discharge of waste and toxins.

6, often holding back urine
Urine in the bladder for too long is easy to breed bacteria, bacteria will be retrograde through the ureter to the kidney, leading to urinary tract infection. This type of infection once recurrent, can lead to chronic pyelonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis is also one of the causes of renal failure.

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1, excessive intake of salt
Intake of too much salt, the burden of the kidney will increase, resulting in renal dysfunction, so try to eat less salt.

Beverages contained in the caffeine often lead to increased blood pressure, and high blood pressure will hurt the kidney. So try to avoid drinking too much.

2, overeating
People in modern society have a lot of time to dinner, often because of dinner and eat too much "delicious", the intake of food will eventually produce waste - uric acid and nitrogen and so on the material. And most of these waste is discharged through the kidneys of the body, if the diet is not controlled, then it will undoubtedly bring your kidney burden.

3, often holding back urine
Some people are busy for a long time holding back urine. Urine in the bladder for too long is easy to breed bacteria, bacteria will be retrograde to the kidney through the ureter, leading to urinary tract infection and pyelonephritis. This type of infection once recurrent, can cause chronic infection, not easy to cure. Patients will not only appear back pain, urinary frequency urgency and other symptoms, may also develop into acute uremia.

4, too little water
If you do not drink water for a long time in your life, your body's urine will be reduced and the concentration of waste and toxin in the urine will increase at this time. That is, we see the above clinical kidney stones and hydronephrosis and so on the phenomenon and long-term do not drink water related. Adequate drinking water can help us to dilute the urine, help the group and we protect the kidneys, but also can benefit the body's waste and toxins out.

5, excessive drinking drink
Excessive intake of soft drinks and sports drinks will indirectly damage the kidneys. The pH of the human body is 7.2, these drinks are generally highly acidic, after drinking the body pH changes significantly. Kidney is the main organ to regulate the body's pH, long-term excessive intake of soft drinks and sports drinks, will bring a burden to the kidneys, increasing the probability of kidney damage.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



