
6 recommendations to protect stomach health

The stomach is an important digestive organ of the human body, but also one of the more fragile organs of the human body, almost everyone has had or light or heavy stomach. Stomach is sick, people's appetite is not good, appetite is not good, the human body can not be healthy. So people want to take care of their own stomach. The following six recommendations can help you to effectively manage the stomach:

    One, do not eat supper
Many people like to eat supper, that this can be at night for the body to add nutrition. In fact, this is a wrong practice. At night, most of the tissues and organs of the body enter the "rest" state, including the stomach. If people eat at this time, will make the stomach was forced to work, re-secrete a lot of gastric juice to digest food. Because at this time the brain has been in the "rest" state, so when the secretion of gastric juice is in a state of out of control, which will cause excessive secretion of gastric juice. And too much gastric juice will corrode the gastric mucosa, gastric erosion occurs, ulcers. Therefore, people should try to avoid eating at night. Those who like to eat supper can put three meals a day into four or five meals to eat, and dinner can eat a little later. This can avoid eating at night, and will not have hunger.

Second, eat should keep relaxed mood
People in the meal when a bad mood can lead to the body of its autonomic nervous system disorders. And autonomic disorders will cause gastric acid and pepsin secretion, so that the gastric mucosa by corrosion, gastric vasoconstriction weakness, decreased gastric power, etc., can also lead to food in the stomach to stay too long, causing stomach fatigue. Therefore, people at dinner can say a pleasant topic or listen to music, so that they have a good mood in the meal.

Third, after dinner pay attention to rest
People often say: "after dinner walk, live to ninety-nine". If the meaning of this sentence is: after dinner, people immediately leave. Well, this view is wrong. After dinner, food concentrated in the stomach, this time the stomach needs a lot of digestive juice and blood to digest food. Therefore, people in the meal even after a walk, but also make the blood throughout the body, resulting in the relative reduction of blood supply to the stomach, so that food can not be fully digested and absorbed. Therefore, people should sit in bed after a meal for about half an hour, and then carry out other activities, so that food can be fully digested and absorbed.

Fourth, the implementation of sub-meal system to prevent infectious diseases
Speaking of stomach, you have to mention Helicobacter pylori. A large number of studies have shown that 80% of gastric ulcer is caused by Helicobacter pylori infection, it is even the culprit of gastric cancer. Helicobacter pylori can be transmitted through the digestive tract, and parasitic in the human stomach and duodenum mucosa. People infected with Helicobacter pylori after the gastric mucosa will gradually lose the protective effect, causing inflammation and necrosis of gastric tissue. Therefore, we should be in the daily diet should be implemented sub-meal system, in order to reduce the risk of infection with Helicobacter pylori. Especially patients with gastric ulcer patients, should be implemented sub-meal system.

Five, do the stomach warm
There is no thicker muscle and fat outside the stomach, one of the least protected organs of the body. So the stomach is susceptible to changes in outside temperature. When the stomach by the cold air stimulation, the secretion of gastric acid will increase, will cause gastrointestinal spasmodic contraction, which will lead to patients with stomach pain, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms. So people in the cold weather must do the stomach warm work.

Six, drink a cup of cabbage juice every day
In the World Health Organization recommended the best vegetables, cabbage ranked third. This is because people often eat cabbage can promote the activities of gastric cells, reduce the possibility of gastric cancer. In addition, cabbage contains vitamin u has anti-ulcer effect, can protect the gastric mucosa. If the stomach patients drink 250 grams of fresh coffee every day before the fresh cabbage juice, can play a relieve stomach pain, promote the role of stomach and duodenal ulcer healing.

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