
Treatment Principles of Proteinuria

What is proteinuria? What damage will be caused by proteinuria? How to treat?
What is proteinuria?

When the protein in the blood flowing through kidneys, most of the protein returns to the blood again because of the glomerular filtration function and kidney tubular reabsorption function, only a small portion of protein is discharged with urine. Urine protein of healthy people should not be more than 0.15g/24h, if it exceeds this standard, urine test result will be positive, showed as “+”, the more +, the more urine protein. When exceeding 3.5g/24h, it is called macroalbuminuria, or renal proteinuria.
Proteinuria often indicates the damage of glomerulus and abnormal filtration rate,

which is the important reference standard of diagnosis of kidney disease.
Treatment of proteinuria 1
The amount of protein in urine is not proportional to degree of kidney damage, thus it is really necessary to treat even if the proteinuria is slight, we should pay attention to the degree of kidney damage.

Treatment of proteinuria should be started from the recovery of GFR, it is the grassroots solution. And the recovery of GFR is equal to the recovery of renal function. Hormone therapy is just simple inhibition, it can’t recover GFR. We can make use of the function of expanding blood vessels of Micro - Traditional Chinese Medicine to improve the ischemia of renal cells, in that way vitality of glomerulus will be increased to some extent and filtration rate will be improved.

Treatment of proteinuria 2
Now that proteinuria appeared, it means the leakage of protein has already caused certain pressure and even damage on glomerulus. Therefore, patients should limit the intake of protein in diet, but patients also need to supplement protein because of constant loss of protein in the body. So patients need to supplement high quality protein to solve this ambivalent situation.

The most common seen resources of high quality protein include milk, lean meat, egg white, etc. The daily intake of protein is 0.6g/kg.d, if you have renal failure, do not eat beans and bean products.
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