
Stomach medicine may cause renal failure?

Mention may not be familiar with the term "proton pump inhibitor," but many of its representatives, omeprazole, esomeprazole, pantoprazole, lansoprazole, and rabeprazole ... ... small partners will not be strange, these are commonly used drugs for digestive diseases. However, a few days ago, this drug injury kidney post heat transfer on the Internet. Post said that people taking proton pump inhibitors of acute renal failure and the risk of developing chronic kidney disease increased significantly. Is this really true?

Stomach medicine do not want to eat eat, feel free to buy medicine is irrational
       Proton pump inhibitor This medicine is good for alleviating stomach upset. At the same time, this medicine is also after 4 clinical trials. It should be safe even if it has been injured kidneys. It is also an incidental and individual incident. However, irregular and unreasonable medication, or will cause physical harm. Experts, for the stomach, people generally reflect the refractory, which is mainly due to neglect. Many people in real life do not take the stomach seriously, many people got stomach does not go to the hospital for treatment, but by the experience of free to buy medicine. But in fact, each person's physique is different, some people are particularly sensitive to certain drugs. Proton pump inhibitors are prescription drugs that should be examined by a regular physician before the patient can be prescribed. Had a patient, stomach upset to buy omeprazole pharmacy, after taking hematuria. Experts remind, even if such a situation is very few, but medication should be strictly controlled indications, treatment should not be too long. In particular, prescription drugs, it is best to consult the relevant departments before taking the medicine doctors and pharmacists, taking the dose according to the instructions, do not eat, eat, and other drugs mixed eating.

Long-term use of aspirin or cause gastrointestinal bleeding, if added with proton pump inhibitors drugs should be reduced

In addition to gastrointestinal diseases, there is a group of people who often take proton pump inhibitors. Experts, long-term use of aspirin in patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, can effectively reduce the incidence of myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, because aspirin is anticoagulant, can reduce or prevent platelet coagulation. But aspirin also has side effects, the biggest adverse reactions are gastrointestinal symptoms and bleeding tendency. Many people take aspirin after long-term, more or less acid reflux, poor appetite, bloating, abdominal pain and other symptoms, because aspirin will inhibit the synthesis of some of the hormone to protect the gastric mucosa, severe gastric mucosal erosions can cause erosion, leading to upper gastrointestinal bleeding . Therefore, for those patients who are at high risk of bleeding and who need to take medication, physicians should appropriately employ proton pump inhibitors such as esomeprazole, pantoprazole and lansoprazole to enhance gastric mucosal protection. However, such patients should be aware that the dose of proton pump inhibitor drugs should be smaller than the treatment, that is, to take down.

A stomach to eat stomach medicine, stomach was actually dragged into cancer

Some patients with old stomach diseases may start their medication under the guidance of a doctor. But as time goes by, they think they have taken medicine for a long time to buy medicine at a pharmacy for a few months or even one year. As everyone knows, doing so is very harmful. People's Liberation Army 101 Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, deputy chief physician Li Kejun introduced clinically many types of stomach, with gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and chronic gastritis are the most common, lesion, extent, causes are not the same, with pharmacological differences, In the absence of a clear diagnosis of casual medication, not only failed to achieve the desired effect, and sometimes have side effects. For example, long-term use of antacids, mucosal protective agents, can lead to lack of acid, malnutrition, gastrointestinal bacterial overgrowth and other side effects. Some patients eat proton pump inhibitors just as a result of a stomachache, and the drug does relieve the pain, but the stomachache stops but at the same time masks the symptoms, leaving the patient ignorant of the disease itself and eventually developing into the stomach. . So stomach medicine can not eat. In addition, gastric medicine may also interact with other drugs, thereby affecting the efficacy. Such as taking clopidogrel in patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, you can not eat omeprazole, and to eat rabeprazole, otherwise it will affect the absorption or dissolution of drugs, thereby increasing side effects.

Stomach misconduct Chinese medicine is not desirable, Chinese medicine is not safer than western medicine

Some patients with stomach problems that Western medicine side effects, it will take medicine in the stomach pain to relieve pain, usually choose traditional Chinese medicine to stomach. Hospitals Liu Zongliang, chief physician digestive medicine pointed out that this approach is not correct. Compared with western medicine, Chinese people generally have the misunderstanding that "traditional Chinese medicine is safer". They think that the source of traditional Chinese medicine is safe and effective, natural and non-toxic, leading to overdosage and long-term use of traditional Chinese medicine. Some people even treat proprietary Chinese medicines Long-term use of health products. Coupled with the Pharmacopoeia, the description of the enterprise drug manual on the safety of traditional Chinese medicine is also not very detailed description, making clinicians, patients ignore the use of medication, dosage and toxicity, resulting in a larger amount, take a little longer thought does not matter.

In fact, the third drug poison, the side effects of traditional Chinese medicine is not small. Western medicine chemical composition is clear, after years of research to confirm which will cause damage to the body, at home and abroad on the chemical drug damage data are complete, the efficacy and risks are prompted, the manual will be marked. However, the composition of traditional Chinese medicine is complex. There is also very little toxicological research on traditional Chinese medicine in the field of professional medical research. Side effects are more complicated and serious than western medicine. This led to the use of Chinese herbal medicine in the process, the general population, including prescribers, including Chinese and Western doctors, including the risk of injury to Chinese herbal medicine, there is no shortage of people suffering from acute liver failure and other severe liver disease, and even died.

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