
Injury Kidney What are the behaviors, these three do not let their own kidney problems

The location of the kidneys: Right renal door against the second lumbar transverse process, the left for the first lumbar transverse process, the right kidney due to the liver is slightly lower than the left kidney 1-2 cm. Kidney is an organ of vertebrates and is part of the urinary system responsible for filtering impurities in the blood, maintaining the balance of body fluids and electrolytes, and finally producing urine excreted through the urethra; it also has endocrine functions to regulate blood pressure. Nephropathy now tends to be younger, many people do not know how to protect the kidneys, let's take a look at the usual which practices the most hurt the kidneys.

Drunk drink strong tea injury kidney
Like school gatherings, comrades gatherings, buddies gatherings, make friends, etc., these gatherings will inevitably have to drink, but inevitably will drink high. When drinking high, some people may drink a cup of tea to wake up, in fact, this is wrong. As early as the Ming Dynasty, Li Shizhen "Compendium of Materia Medica" clearly recorded the dangers of drinking tea: "drink tea harm the kidney, waist and legs attached weight, bladder weight, suffering from phlegm edema, diabetes, The disease. " Modern medicine also proved that drinking tea, especially tea, does have a negative impact on the kidneys.

Over-exertion hurt the kidneys
Chinese medicine believes that usually the work is too tired, or for a long time engaged in the same fixed position of the work (such as the use of computers, driving, etc.), a long time will damage kidney qi, leading to lack of kidney essence. Modern medicine, people under fatigue, coupled with work, mental stress, easily lead to decreased immunity, easy to cause kidney damage, backache backache, leg, eyelid edema, proteinuria and so on. Young people stay up all night in KTV, Di bar to play, the most hurt the kidneys.

Overeating injury kidney
Modern living conditions are good, many families every day on the table chicken and egg, these high-fat diet will not only make the body fat, induced hypertension, diabetes, but also to the kidney to increase the burden. Because overeating food will require a large amount of digestive juice in a short period of time, significantly increased the burden of accessory digestive organs. If we usually eat too much and exceed the body's needs, we will eventually produce too much metabolic waste. Most of these wastes are discharged through the kidneys, which naturally increase the burden on the kidneys.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



