
Prevention of chronic nephritis attention to this 7 o'clock

Prevention of chronic nephritis

1, to avoid drug abuse, a variety of drugs, chemical poison can cause kidney damage, causing chronic nephritis.

Prevention of chronic nephritis by preventing chronic glomerulonephritis in the prevention of chronic glomerulonephritis

2, appropriate drinking water, do not hold back urine. Urine in the bladder for too long is easy to breed bacteria, bacteria are likely to be infected through the ureter to the kidneys, every day full of water at any time urination, the kidney is not easy to be infected, should not lead to chronic nephritis.

3, the high-risk groups, that is likely to cause kidney damage (such as diabetes, hypertension, etc.) for timely and effective treatment of people to prevent chronic nephritis.

4, to enhance physical fitness is the most important measure to prevent chronic nephritis, is to strengthen the body exercise, enhance the body's ability to disease resistance. Exercise, there are a variety of ways to exercise, walking, dancing, mountain climbing, boating, martial arts, qigong, tai chi, etc., are helpful to enhance physical fitness, improve the body resistance, and to prevent infection after the virus bacterial immune response occur. But patients with nephropathy.

5, the incidence of chronic nephritis often associated with upper respiratory tract infection, often outside the cold, wind-heat, rheumatism, damp heat, heat poison evil as the origin, therefore, to prevent the incidence of nephritis, it should pay attention to changes in warm weather , Should avoid the rainy days to go out, sweat when the wind, wading rain, wearing wet clothes, always wary of the invasion of evil.

6, to develop good habits, is very important for good health. Because life is not the law, sleep is not enough, overeating, wine over color, restlessness, can reduce the body's resistance to evil, increase the chance of illness, so in daily life, should work and rest, , To maintain the balance of yin and yang of the human body, blood and smooth.

7, the skin of the boils boiled boil, upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis recurrent, there are possible changes in nephritis, so it is necessary to cure early. Keep the next yin clean, changing clothes, to prevent urinary tract infection; keep the stool of the smooth, regular defecation, is conducive to the exclusion of metabolic waste.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



