
Diabetes how to eat meat at ease? Doctor: Eat more healthy meat!

Meat is a very important nutrient intake in our daily life. One of the sources of protein in the human body is meat. Compared with plant protein, animal protein has the nature and structure closer to the human body, that is to say Animal proteins are more easily absorbed, digested and utilized by the body, and meat is also rich in various amino acids, vitamins and trace elements essential to the body.

Relative to the fruits and vegetables, the heat of meat is relatively high, which is conducive to the control of the staple food. Many people encounter this kind of situation in normal times. Vegetarian foods such as vegetables will soon be hungry, but they will not be hungry too fast to eat meat.

Therefore, it is necessary for diabetic patients to get proper meat intake, and proper meat consumption is also an important aspect of diabetic diet. However, it is worth noting that due to the high fat content in the meat, excessive consumption of meat can cause the blood lipids and the blood sugar to be hard to control, and at the same time, the weight will increase.

What kind of meat is good for diabetic patients?

People with type 2 diabetes can eat most of the meat relative to type 1 diabetes, but it is worth mentioning that fish are better than poultry meat, such as chickens and ducks, from the point of view of the content of unsaturated fatty acids in the protein structure Poultry meat such as chicken is better than pork and mutton.

Therefore, there is such a statement that hypertension and the type of meat that people with type 2 diabetes have to eat should not eat two legs (chickens, ducks and other poultry) ), Eat two legs is better to eat without legs (fish).

Fish is the meat of choice for diabetic patients

1, fish can reduce blood viscosity

The probability of diabetic patients suffering from cardiovascular disease is far greater than the average person, and the main nutritional components of fish EPA, it can help the body lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and promote metabolism of saturated fatty acids in the body, thereby reducing blood viscosity , Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, the proper use of fish can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

2, eat fish can prevent diabetic nephropathy

In many diabetics, the frequency of eating fish is less than 20% of those who have proteinuria once a week, while the frequency of eating fish is more than once a week, and the rate of proteinuria drops to 5% Eat more fish can prevent kidney damage caused by diabetes. Because fish oil and fish to some extent, improve the blood lipids in diabetic patients, thereby reducing the incidence of diabetic nephropathy.

3, eating fish can regulate the mental state of diabetic patients

Fish is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids can inhibit part of the brain cell activity, thus helping to stabilize the emotions of diabetic patients, can help diabetic patients in the treatment and conditioning to maintain a better mental state.

Diabetic patients remember not to eat processed meat

With the continuous development of living standards and science and technology, processed meat products have gradually become the food that can be seen everywhere in our daily life, such as canned food, sausage, etc. The nitrite in processed meat products is a common substance, and nitrite Salt can also replace salt.

In fact, the more processed meat products you eat, the more nitrite will be consumed. For diabetic patients, excessive intake of salt can cause an increase in blood sugar and blood pressure, which can seriously affect your health. Therefore, the diabetes patients in the choice of which kind of meat to eat, it is best to choose fresh, original meat to eat, eat less, do not even eat meat processed foods.

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