
Why does the kidney fail?

Why does the kidney fail?
There are many reasons for the reduction of renal function. The two most common causes are diabetes and high blood pressure.

Diabetes mellitus
There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are those in which your body can not produce enough insulin to treat sugar in the blood. Type 2 diabetes means that you are not able to effectively use the body to produce insulin.

If you do not have proper control of diabetes, sugar will accumulate in your blood. When the sugar content is too high will cause damage, that is, reduce the ability of kidney to filter waste products and liquids. Although the treatment of diabetes has been optimized, many patients with diabetes may still have kidney damage after 20-30 years.

Hypertension / Essential Hypertension Primary Hypertension
When the blood pressure on the blood vessel wall will produce high blood pressure. Hypertension can damage the small blood vessels in the kidney and prevent the normal operation of the filtration process. The cause of high blood pressure is largely unknown. However, in many cases, high blood pressure seems to be related to your overall health, lifestyle and diet.

Glomerulonephritis (Glomerulonephritis)
Another common type of nephropathy is inflammation of the kidney filter unit. This can lead to increased urine output, blood and protein into the urine, eyelids and hands and feet swelling (edema).

Other causes of kidney failure
Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease that can cause huge cysts in the kidneys and cause kidney failure.

Urinary outflow can cause urine to flow back into the kidney, thereby damaging the kidneys. The obstruction may be caused by a decrease in the ureter caused by a natural ureter or a decrease in ureter caused by an increase in kidney stones, a tumor or a male prostate.

Repeated urinary tract infection may also be a cause of renal failure.

Reason Unknown reason unknown
About 20% of dialysis patients never know the cause of their renal failure. Usually, these patients first visit, their renal failure has reached a late, and then it is difficult to find the cause of the.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



