
Two Causes of Kidney Disease Relapse

Relapses of kidney disease troubles a lot of renal patients. All the indexes are under control, and you take medications on time, but why it comes back? Here I list two main causes of kidney disease relapse.

1. Infections
Compared with healthy people, kidney patients have a weak immune system, so it is likely for kidney patients to suffer from respiratory tract infections, such as cold. To resist the invading bacteria and virus, your immune system will produce a lot of antibodies. During this course, massive immune complexes will come into being. With blood circulation, they go into kidneys and deposit, leading to kidney inflammation so as to worsen your disease and trigger relapse.

There are three ways to help you prevent catching a cold:
-Put on or take off clothes according to the changes of climate.
-When flu prevails, you should keep away from the public.
-Do some gentle exercises regularly to strengthen immunity.

2. The utilization of medications
-For some kidney patients, they taper or stop the medications when they feel well without the instruction of doctors. In such a case, kidney disease may come back easily.

-Single medication is also a common cause of kidney disease relapse. Take Mrs.Wang for an example. She is a Nephrotic Syndrome patient. When she came to our hospital, she had severe swelling and massive proteinuria. After communication, we got to know that she was treated by prednisone in the local. At the beginning, the effect was good, but swelling came back shortly afterwards, and leg swelling became even more serious. In our hospital, Toxin-Removing Treatment was applied together, which helped her set up good blood environment for kidney self-healing and other medication application. In half month, her swelling disappeared.

Single medication does not mean you only use one kind of medication, but use only western medicine, such as ACEI, ARBs, Immunosuppressants, etc. If you use western medicine only, your disease may come back. Therefore, it is advisable to use the combination of western medicine and Chinese medicine. They can counteract respective shortcomings to achieve a better effect.

Now you get to know the two causes of kidney disease relapse. You should take precautions to them in the daily. For more information on kidney disease treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



