
What are the ways to prevent kidney failure?

Renal failure is caused by decreased renal function, do you know how people can prevent kidney failure? What methods can help people stay away from kidney failure? Xiaobian today for everyone to recommend some ways to prevent renal failure, and quickly go to the next learning it!

How to prevent kidney failure
1, nursed back to health
Normal life, diet, pay attention to health, to avoid the invasion of evil, especially in the epidemic epidemic season and the region should strengthen the precautionary measures; but food spicy Sunburn Wong taste, so as not to produce hot and humid; adjust emotions, to maintain a happy spirit , So that blood and avoid blood stasis; to strengthen physical exercise, improve the body defense capabilities.

2, to prevent poisoning
The data show that 20% to 50% of acute renal failure is caused by drugs, and some due to contact with harmful substances. Therefore, should try to avoid the use and contact with the kidneys toxic drugs or poison. If accidentally taken or exposed to timely detection and early treatment.

3, timely control
Once the induction of acute renal failure occurred in primary disease, should be treated early, pay attention to expand blood volume, correct water, electrolyte imbalance and acid-base imbalance, recovery cycle function. If the disease is to occur, should take early measures to add blood volume, increase cardiac output, restore renal perfusion and glomerular filtration rate, excluding renal tubular obstruction, prevention and treatment, to prevent DIC, renal ischemia Causing damage to the renal parenchyma. At the same time as soon as possible the application of blood circulation drugs, the prevention of the disease have a positive effect.

Kidney failure diet

1, supply high quality protein
When the patient's renal function in the early and mid-stage damage stage, protein intake per kilogram of body weight per day is about 0.6 grams more appropriate, and must make up the heat. In recent years, it has also been suggested to supplement essential amino acid preparations or α-keto acid amino acid preparations. But this type of preparation price is higher, limiting its use. In low-protein diet, to high-quality protein-based, such as milk, eggs, fish and lean meat, non-essential amino acids with high food such as dried beans, soy products, hard fruit and cereals should be limited edible. Dietary heat must be sufficient, at least 35 kcal per kilogram of body weight.

2, low salt, low sodium
Chronic renal failure with hypertension and edema of patients, to limit the sodium and sodium-rich foods, if necessary, with salt-free diet. When using diuretics or accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, should not limit sodium salt.

3, chronic renal failure, high potassium, should limit potassium foods
Avoid eating fruit juice, carefully selected vegetables and fruits.

4, supply high calcium low phosphorus diet
In some patients with chronic renal failure, there may be elevated blood phosphorus and blood calcium phenomenon, and therefore induced osteoporosis. The ideal diet should increase the calcium content to reduce the phosphorus content. Calcium-rich foods are milk, green leafy vegetables, sesame and so on. Cooking fish and lean meat, boiled with water out, and then stir, can reduce the fish, meat, phosphorus content.

5, to maintain the balance of water
The water balance in patients with chronic renal failure is important. The amount of liquid to be determined according to the amount of emissions. Must be under the guidance of a doctor, the liquid supplement, to prevent excessive intake of water, discharge obstacles, and aggravate edema.

6, add vitamins
Chronic renal failure must be added vitamin preparations, due to chronic renal failure patients with digestive and malabsorption, with food supplement vitamins can not meet the needs of the body metabolism.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



