
Early symptoms of kidney failure and dietary principles

Kidney is an important organ of the human body, if suffering from kidney failure will seriously affect the health, then the early symptoms of renal failure what? Here to introduce early symptoms of kidney failure and diet principles for everyone to understand.

Early symptoms of renal failure

Change in urine volume
Due to renal dysfunction caused by the symptoms. Due to renal filtration function landing, some patients with the disease stop urine output will gradually reduce. Even if the normal urine output, due to the removal of toxins in the urine to reduce the quality of landing, can not be discharged from the body too much waste, so to a certain extent, urine output can not be good to explain your kidney function is good or bad.

As the toxins and wastes accumulate in the body, the patient may feel uncomfortable. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, no sleep at night, no appetite, itching and fatigue.

As the patient's kidney function is damaged, the body can not produce enough hormones needed to make red blood cells, and thus produce anemia. Anemic people often feel cold and tired.

Some patients will be swollen. Urine volume reduction, frequent urination (especially at night). Hand, foot and ankle swelling. Other symptoms are shortness of breath, swelling around the eyes, if the symptoms are swollen, to take timely treatment measures to eliminate the symptoms.

Other symptoms
Hematuria (brown or blood red), high blood pressure, urine bubble, diarrhea, extreme thirst, sleep disturbed, or lethargy, decreased libido.

Dietary Principles of Patients with Renal Failure
The treatment of renal failure must be reasonable, nutrition, in the course of treatment, should also avoid contact with all kinds of allergic foods, to avoid fish, shrimp, crab, pollen, milk and other possible to induce kidney failure diet.

Diet bogey
Such as salty, spicy spicy class, contaminated, dyed barbecue, these foods are not eaten. For renal insufficiency or uremia, beans and their products can not eat, limit the animal class of high egg white food, greasy food.

Should not blindly limit water
Because of the decline in renal function, the body of metabolites need more water to be discharged from the kidneys, if the water intake at this time, the body does not go out of metabolites, it will cause clogging, the consequences more serious.

Reasonable diet
Not a partial eclipse, not picky eaters, to ensure the balance of nutrition. Grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, cattle, sheep, pigs, etc. can be edible.

Control salt
According to the patient's condition and renal function levels to adjust, not so the patients with renal failure should be strictly limited salt.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



