
What are the symptoms of early kidney disease?

What are the early manifestations of kidney disease?
If the following circumstances need to cause our vigilance:
Edema: morning when the eyelid or facial edema, afternoon more subsided, tired after the increase, reduce the rest. Severe edema can occur in the low parts, such as the double ankle, lower limbs, sacrococcygeal and so on.

Urinary foam increased: urine after a period of time if there are still more foam, suggesting that urinary protein excretion too much.

Abnormal urine: If the urine is thick brown, wash the water color, soy sauce or turbidity such as Taomi water samples should be immediately treated to clear the cause.

Urine output too much or too little: normal daily urine output in about 1500 ml, if not too little water, sweating, fever, diarrhea and other factors sudden reduction in urine output should be abnormal. Urine more than 2500 ml daily, should be checked to determine whether the suffering from kidney and other diseases.

Nocturia increased: normal age less than 60 years old generally should not have nocturia If nocturia increased, it may be early manifestations of renal dysfunction.

Pale: a lot of reasons can lead to anemia, mainly for the pale, and kidney disease is the more common cause of anemia.

Hypertension: the development of chronic kidney disease to a certain stage can lead to high blood pressure, and high blood pressure to a certain stage can also lead to kidney damage, the two affect each other. Therefore, the emergence of high blood pressure, kidney should be timely related to the examination.

Low back pain: low back pain should be timely medical treatment, and a detailed description of specific parts of the low back pain, the occurrence of time, the nature of pain, so that doctors accurate diagnosis.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



