
How to nourish kidney care Kidney is most afraid of six things

Internal organs of their duties, any place a problem, will lead to a chain effect. According to epidemiological survey, chronic kidney disease has become a threat to the world's public health, one of the major diseases, how to protect the kidneys are all people are concerned about the problem. But before the kidney in the kidney, first of all have to know what the kidney?

Yang Shen kidney care 6 fear
A fear of big fish and meat
Meat dishes in the protein content is very rich, the body's function can not be separated from the protein, but this does not mean "protein food to eat the more the better." Many workplace people often entertainment, big fish and meat, leading to excessive protein intake. But in fact, long-term high protein intake will increase the burden on the kidneys, and even long-term in the kidney "overload" state.

2 fear every day old fire soup
Cantonese people like to drink the old fire soup, soup is indeed a good way to health. But every day old fire soup is very hurt kidney. Old fire soup generally add a lot of meat, and burn two or three hours. For a long time brewed, a lot of purine will dissolve into the broth. Often purine too high old fire soup, will cause uric acid accumulation in the blood, uric acid content increased, both easily lead to gout, but also damage the kidneys.

3 fear of water
Many office workers work busy, completely attend to drink water. Lack of water, urine will naturally reduce the urine to carry the waste and toxin concentration will increase. Clinical common kidney stones and prolonged lack of water is closely related. Experts stressed that to develop the habit of drinking plenty of water every day to ensure that at least 8 cups of boiling water. Drink plenty of water can dilute the urine, so that urine quickly discharged, help prevent stones.

4 fear of holding back urine
Many people because of work too busy often holding back urine, do not know, hold back urine too long easily lead to increased bladder pressure, bladder pressure reflex disorder and detrusor function decline, or affect the ureteral - bladder anti-reflux mechanism, leading to urine reflux , Easily complicated by pyelonephritis, renal dysfunction. So, even if the job is no longer busy, do not forget to go to bed on time.

5 afraid of eating salty salty
95% of the salt in our diet is metabolized by the kidneys, eaten salty, and the burden on the kidneys naturally increases.
Coupled with sodium in the salt will make the body's water is not easy to discharge, and further increase the burden on the kidneys, resulting in decreased renal function. At the same time, eating too salty will lead to increased blood pressure, kidney blood can not maintain normal flow, and thus induce kidney disease. It is recommended to control the amount of salt per day in less than 6 grams.

6 fear of abuse of drugs
Some people are dependent on drugs, a little sick to see a doctor, not knowing that many drugs are detrimental to the side effects of kidney, even if the traditional Chinese medicine, can not be long-term use. If it is necessary, should be prescribed.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you



