
Kidney stones are caused by five causes

Cause kidney stones

1, excessive accumulation of oxalic acid

The accumulation of oxalic acid in the body is one of the factors leading to kidney stones. Such as spinach, beans, grapes, cocoa, tea, oranges, tomatoes, potatoes, plums, bamboo shoots, etc. These people generally eat something, it is high foods containing oxalic acid. The doctor found that: 200 grams of spinach, containing 725.6 grams of oxalic acid, if one person will eat 200 grams of spinach all the time, 8 hours after eating, check the urinary oxalate excretion of 20 to 25 mg, equivalent to normal 24 hours Of the average amount of oxalic acid.

2, purine metabolic disorders

Animal offal, seafood, peanuts, beans, spinach, etc., contain more purine ingredients. Purine into the body, to carry out the metabolism, it metabolized the final product is uric acid. Uric acid can promote urinary oxalate precipitation. If, too much consumption of purine-rich foods, purine metabolism and abnormal, oxalate deposition in the urine and the formation of urinary stones.

3, fat intake too much

All kinds of animal meat, especially fat pork, are fat and more food. Eat more fat in the body will increase, the fat will reduce the intestine can be combined with calcium, which caused increased absorption of oxalate, if the excretion of functional failure, such as sweating more, less water, less urine, kidney stones It is likely to be formed in this case.

4, protein excess

Analysis of the composition of kidney stones and found that calculus in the calcium oxalate accounted for 87.5%. Such a large proportion of the source of calcium oxalate is because the protein in addition to oxalic acid containing raw materials - glycine, hydroxyproline, the protein can promote the intestinal function of calcium absorption. If you often eat too high protein foods, so that the kidneys and urine calcium, oxalic acid, uric acid composition is generally increased. If not timely and effective through the kidney function of the excess calcium, oxalic acid, uric acid excreted, so that kidney stones, ureteral stone disease conditions formed. The main reason for the increased incidence of kidney stones in today's world economy is that.

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5, sugar increased

Sugar is an important nutrient of the human body, to regular supplement, but all of a sudden increase too much, especially lactose, stone formation will create conditions. Beijing Military Region General Hospital urology experts pointed out: regardless of normal people or stones in the consumption of 100 grams of sugar, after 2 hours to check their urine, found that urinary calcium and oxalate concentrations are increased, if taking lactose, it is more Promote calcium absorption, more likely to lead to accumulation of calcium oxalate in the body and the formation of urinary stones.

How to prevent kidney stones?

1, control weight

First to control weight. Studies have shown that overweight is one of the most important factors in the formation of urinary tract stones. For people with urinary calculi, we recommend that the body mass index (BMI) should be maintained between 19 and 23.

(Body mass index: is divided by the weight of the number of square meters by the square of the figure.It is commonly used in the world to measure the degree of fat and fat and a healthy standard when the BMI index is 18.5 ~ 23.9 is normal .)

Second, increase the intake of liquid. Increase the intake of liquid can increase the amount of urine, thereby reducing the urine stones composition of the supersaturated state, to prevent the occurrence of stones. Recommended daily liquid intake of 2500 ~ 3000ml or more, so that the daily urine output remained at 2000 ~ 2500ml or more. The type of drinking water is generally considered to be less oxalic acid content of non-dairy liquid is appropriate. Avoid drinking too much coffee, black tea, grape juice, apple juice and cola. Recommended to drink orange juice, fruit juice and lemonade juice.

2, diet regulation

Once again need to adjust the diet. Maintain a comprehensive balance of diet nutrition, to avoid one of the excessive intake of nutrients.

(1) reasonable calcium intake diet: Dietary calcium content of less than 800mg / day will cause the body of negative calcium balance. Low calcium diet can reduce the excretion of urinary calcium, but may lead to osteoporosis and increase urinary oxalate excretion. Intake of normal calcium content of the diet, limiting the intake of animal protein and sodium salt than the traditional low calcium diet has a better role in the prevention of stones. Recommended to eat more dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.), tofu and small fish and other food. Adult calcium intake per day should be 800 ~ 1000mg.

(2) limit the intake of oxalic acid diet: a large number of foods rich in oxalic acid in the urine after the excretion of oxalic acid will be significantly increased. People with calcium oxalate stones, especially those with high oxalic acid, should avoid foods such as cabbage, almonds, peanuts, beets, parsley, spinach, rhubarb, black tea and cocoa powder. Which spinach in the oxalic acid content is the highest, but should limit the intake.

What causes kidney stones kidney stones what causes the cause of kidney stones

(3) limit the intake of sodium: high sodium diet will increase the excretion of urinary calcium, leading to the occurrence of urinary tract stones. It is recommended that sodium intake should be less than 6g per day.

(4) limit the excessive intake of protein: recommended intake of nutritional balance diet. It is very important to keep the balance of nutrition for early, middle and late meals. To avoid excessive intake of animal protein, the daily intake of animal protein should be limited to 200g or less.

(5) increase the intake of fruits and vegetables: fruit and vegetable intake can dilute the urine into the stone risk factor. So increase the intake of fruits and vegetables can prevent the recurrence of stones.

(6) increase the intake of coarse grains and cellulose: rice bran can reduce urinary calcium excretion, reduce the occurrence of urinary tract stones, but to avoid such as wheat bran and other foods rich in oxalic acid intake of a large number of cellulose.

(7) to reduce the intake of vitamin C: vitamin C after natural conversion can produce oxalic acid. After taking vitamin C urinary oxalate excretion will be significantly increased, the formation of calcium oxalate crystallization of the risk of a corresponding increase. It is recommended that daily intake of vitamin C should not exceed 2g.

(8) limit the purine diet: recommended daily intake of purine in food less than 500mg. Insulin-rich foods are: animal offal (liver and kidney), poultry skin, skin herring, sardines, anchovies.

(9) a reasonable choice of Chinese herbal medicine: the current that the urinary tract stones have a certain role in the prevention of Chinese herbal medicine, including Ze Le, fat sea, money grass, corn and banana core.

3, moderate exercise

Finally, the amount of exercise for the prevention of urinary tract stones also play an important role. Because when the body for a long time in the sitting position, urine accumulation in the kidney or ureteral lead to the occurrence of stones. It is recommended to sit about 1 hour or so should get up about 10 to 15 minutes. Normal physical exercise recommended to moderate, low-intensity aerobic exercise-based. Long high-intensity exercise will lead to a lot of sweating, and thus cause reduced urine output, urine concentration, induced the occurrence of stones. So a lot of sweating after the timely replenishment of water to dilute the urine, to maintain normal urine output.



