
Daily life notice of renal failure

1, not eat spicy, seafood, hair, beans, soy products, dried fruit and easy to lit things.

2, avoid eating deer, cattle, sheep, chicken, goose, dog, donkey and its cream soup, bone soup and so on.

3, edema patients should be low salt; no swollen people do not avoid salt; hematuria mainly should drink water.

4, moderate exercise, keep walking every day. But to avoid violent activity and fatigue.

5, to prevent colds, to avoid cold; do not eat health supplements, tonic, to prevent lit weight gain.

6, be sure to establish confidence, adhere to the treatment, adjust the mood, to maintain peace of mind and optimism.

7, renal failure uremic patients should eat half a pound of milk a day, an egg, a two lean meat.

8, to maintain smooth stool. Daily defecation 2 to 3 times is appropriate. Fang if the rhubarb (another package), according to defecation situation to increase or decrease their dosage.

9, high blood potassium who can not eat high potassium foods such as seafood, mushrooms, ham, edible fungus, dried fruit, magnolia, bananas, citrus, potatoes, radish dry, tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate and so on.

10, high blood uric acid, especially not eat animal offal, shrimp and crab mussel, beer, mushrooms, beans (including beans), spinach, celery and so on.

11, high blood pressure should take antihypertensive drugs to control blood pressure; have taken hormones, should be under the guidance of the physician in the amount of reduction; acid poisoning should be timely service of baking soda to correct acidosis.

12, banned containing the wood pass, wide anti-self, Aoki, Aristolochia and other drugs into the medicine and decoction.

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Beijing kidney hospital for you



