
Calcium supplementation before bed increases kidney stones and kidney stones

The harm of calcium

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Many people have a certain amount of calcium blindness, always feel that the more calcium better, it is not. The experts confirmed that excessive calcium can also produce many hazards, mainly as follows:

1, increase the risk of kidney stones;

2, susceptible to milk alkaloid syndrome (MAS): high calcium and with or without metabolic alkalosis and renal insufficiency of the syndrome, the earliest found in the use of Sippy meal (mainly a large number of calcium bicarbonate, calcium phosphate And milk) in the treatment of peptic ulcer after the side effects;

3, and other minerals interfere with each other: high calcium diet can affect the bioavailability of some essential elements, such as iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and so on;

4, the role of cancer: calcium is the smallest toxicity of class A nutrients, but there are reports that calcium on other factors induced cancer can promote the role may be a potential auxiliary carcinogens;

What is the role of calcium deficiency kidney stones should not fill calcium kidney stones patients how to calcium

5, the arterial calcification: there are foreign reports that long-term intake of high calcium body arteries have calcification, elastic decline trend;

6, the impact on the fetus: animal experiments show that excessive calcium supplementation during pregnancy did not increase the bone calcium content of the mother, but can increase the calcium content, this increase in the future growth and development of young rats and bone peak formation is a negative impact It is unclear and remains to be further studied.

Kidney stones should not be calcium

For patients with kidney stones can not be the problem, we analyze from two aspects:

On the one hand, kidney stones in patients with adequate calcium supplement, can be reduced by the kidneys of oxalic acid, which may reduce the formation of kidney stones.

On the other hand, a reasonable calcium, this is better. Nephrotic hospital experts suggest that kidney stones patients with calcium to be divided into time, the best not to eat a lot of high calcium food at night.

What is the role of calcium deficiency kidney stones should not fill calcium kidney stones patients how to calcium

Such as drinking milk before going to bed, which for healthy people, drink milk before going to bed to help improve the quality of sleep, but for patients with stones is very easy to cause recurrence of kidney stones. This is because after sleep, urine output decreased, but drink milk after 2 to 3 hours, calcium through the kidneys in a short time suddenly increased, easy to form stones. It is recommended that patients with kidney stones as much as possible before going to bed to drink milk.

How does kidney stones make up calcium?

Under normal circumstances every day calcium intake should be 1 to 1.5 grams for the most appropriate, so that will not aggravate the symptoms of stones, but also to improve osteoporosis. If more than 2 grams per day, excess calcium may be deposited in the kidney to increase kidney stones. Calcium gluconate and calcium carbonate absorption rate is very poor, because the bio-active calcium calcium absorption, the acid root in the excretion of the process will be combined with the formation of other calcium and magnesium ions, the formation of insoluble substances and excreted, and difficult to be Body absorption. So it is best to use dietary calcium supplementation.

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