
What to do on the fire

The law of life eat more fruits and vegetables
Experts advise, first of all to maintain a scientific law of life, on time and rest, regular quantitative meals, not to give up the meal in a hurry, nor for a meal and overeating. Arrange for various activities to be appropriate and restrained, to ensure adequate sleep, to avoid staying up late, so as to avoid fatigue, decreased resistance.

Second, eat more "fire" food.
Fresh green leafy vegetables, cucumber, oranges, green tea has a good fire effect, and carrots to add the body of vitamin b, to avoid dry lips also have a good effect. In addition, you can oral various types of cool granules, such as Chardonnay granules, Jinju granules on the "fire" is also very effective.
In the "lit" period, should not eat spicy food, drink, smoke and stay up all night, should pay attention to maintain oral hygiene, often mouthwash, drink plenty of water, and under the guidance of a doctor to take "clear fire" drugs. If the "lit" symptoms are more obvious, more than a week has not improved, to be timely to the hospital. Experts remind the public, do not arbitrarily take some "clear fire" drugs, because it is possible to take excessive and counterproductive.

Of course, adjusting your emotions is also very important.
Anxious mood will be "fuel", keep the mood comfortable to help regulate the body of the "anger."
In addition, if there is oral ulcers, the condition is more serious and more than a week did not improve, it should be promptly to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment. Because oral ulcers are not necessarily due to "big anger" reason, may be oral ulcer pathogen virus infection, may also be related to hormones and genetic. Oral ulcers are also considered to be weak signs of the body, so the emergence of oral ulcers, the patient if the body at the same time feel tired, they should check their nutritional intake is balanced, rest enough, and appropriate to add a variety of vitamins and minerals.

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