
How to treat high blood lipids Treatment of high blood lipids recommended "three steps"

How to treat high blood lipids? Treatment of high blood lipids "three-step"
Hyperlipidemia patients need to start treatment of the standard there are three: one is no coronary heart disease cholesterol greater than 6.24 mmol / l, low density lipoprotein greater than 4.16 mmol / l, the other is coronary heart disease cholesterol greater than 5.72 mmol / L, low-density lipoprotein greater than 3.64 mmol / l, and one with coronary heart disease with atherosclerosis with cholesterol greater than 4.68 mmol / l and low-density lipoprotein greater than 2.60 mmol / l. Hyperlipidemia patients should be how to reduce blood fat need specific analysis of specific circumstances, the general recommendations in three steps.

The first step: non-drug treatment
Hyperlipidemia patients through the daily regulation of lower blood lipids, it is necessary to limit the diet to reduce intake, but also to strengthen the movement to increase spending, so that consumption is greater than food intake; need to pay attention to low sugar, low fat, high cellulose diet and restricted drinking. Diet add garlic, onion, edible fungus, mushrooms, oats, soybeans, tea, hawthorn, kelp and other healthy foods help reduce blood lipids.

The second step: taking traditional Chinese medicine treatment
Because 30% of human cholesterol is absorbed through diet (exogenous lipids), 70% is through liver synthesis (endogenous lipids), so some patients no matter how to control diet and exercise, can not control hyperlipidemia disease. So this type of patients in the non-drug treatment a year later, still ineffective should take traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Hypolipidemic Chinese medicine not only has a better effect of lowering blood fat, as well as the regulation of the body, the effect of both the symptoms, and less adverse reactions, lighter.

According to statistics, the current proprietary Chinese medicine accounted for 7.4% of hospital medicine hypolipidemic drugs, there are some patients using a single herb decoction or tea to take, such as digestion, diarrhea medicine, tonic medicine, blood circulation drugs, Wait. The active ingredients of these traditional Chinese medicine can inhibit the absorption of exogenous lipids, reduce the synthesis of endogenous lipids, correct lipid metabolism disorders, promote lipid clearance, but also improve platelet aggregation, reduce blood viscosity and Insulin resistance.

The third step: taking Western medicine treatment
Chinese medicine hypolipidemic total effective rate of about 30%, so most patients with hyperlipidemia through non-drug treatment and traditional Chinese medicine treatment for more than a year are invalid, should take Western medicine treatment. There are many types of dyslipidemia, pharmacological effects vary, the choice of reference to the type of abnormal blood lipids and patients with the type of disease.

Selection of drugs according to different types of hyperlipidemia: hypercholesterolemic selection of statins (such as lovastatin, simvastatin, fluvastatin, pravastatin) and bile acid chelating agents (eg, testlidamine, ). Hypertriglyceridemia selected bite class (such as gemfibrozil, fenofibrate, bezafibrate), niacin (such as nicotinic acid inositol, asimus) and marine fish. Mixed hyperlipidemia should be selected statins and fibrates combined.

According to the different types of patients with drug selection drugs: combined with coronary heart disease, nephrotic syndrome patients should choose statins, patients with hyperuricemia should be selected bite class, elderly patients should choose elasticase, Pantene, Wait. Patients with liver dysfunction should not use statins, liver and kidney dysfunction and suffering from gallbladder disease should not use the bite class, combined with ulcer disease should not use niacin, combined with myocardial injury should not use probucol, combined with bleeding disorders Should not use fish oil.

As the body of synthetic cholesterol in the morning two or three o'clock, so the cholesterol-lowering Western medicine at night to take better results before going to bed. Patients after taking two months, need to review blood lipids, liver, kidney function and creatine phosphokinase, on the one hand according to changes in blood lipids to adjust the dose of medication, on the other hand close observation of whether the drug has liver, kidney function and striated muscle damage reaction.

Can be said that the harm of hyperlipidemia on the human body is obvious to all, especially in the elderly to keep the blood lipid in the normal range, can greatly reduce the occurrence of coronary heart disease, stroke, myocardial infarction and other fatal disease risk, but also high Blood pressure, diabetes, fatty liver, cirrhosis, pancreatitis, the incidence was significantly reduced.

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